Page 50 of Meant To Be Us
“I’m hungry.”
He heard her soft laugh. “No wonder.” The bed creaked as she climbed off, reached for something to cover herself and joined him. Jordan had felt no compulsion to dress and stalked naked into the kitchen. It was dim, the moon the only source of light, but when he opened the refrigerator the glow filled the room.
Jordan noticed that Molly had chosen to wear a long T-shirt that hung to her thighs. She looked very much as though she’d spent the past four hours in bed, her eyes hazy with satisfaction, her smile seductive and wanton.
“What are you looking at?” she muttered.
“I … I’m a mess.”
“No,” he said. “I was just trying to decide if I had enough stamina to make love to you again, right here in the kitchen.”
Her smile widened, and she blushed prettily. “It wouldn’t be the first time we did it in a kitchen.”
Jordan remembered the early days of their marriage when they’d made love in every room of the house, and he grinned broadly.
“Let’s eat,” she said. “I’m hungry, too.”
“There’s nothing here,” Jordan complained, glancing at the refrigerator’s contents.
“I’ve been so tired lately that it’s easier to open a can, or pop something in the microwave.” She lifted one shoulder. “I was planning to get some groceries tomorrow.”
Jordan knew Molly had a grueling schedule at the hospital and he wanted to ask her to quit, but had no right to do that. Soon, once they’d settled everything, he’d persuade her to work part-time, preferably on a volunteer basis. He was a wealthy man and there was no reason for her to put in such long hours.
He searched the cupboard next and found a can of peaches.
“I’ll scramble us some eggs,” Molly offered.
“Nice idea, but I didn’t see any eggs,” Jordan said as he ran the peaches under the can opener. He tossed the lid in the garbage, dug into the can with his fingers and produced a slice of peach that he fed her.
He fed himself the next slice.
“Jordan,” Molly said excitedly. “Feel!” She grabbed his free hand and pressed it against her stomach. “The baby just kicked.”
Jordan felt as though she’d thrown ice water in his face. The shock of it rippled over him, and his breath froze in his lungs.
The baby.
For these few idyllic hours he’d managed to push his awareness of this child from his mind.
“Here’s your daddy,” Molly was chirping softly, unaware of Jordan’s downward spiral of emotion. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide it much longer. He wanted to jerk his hand away, but she held it flat against her abdomen.
“Did you feel the baby?” she asked, looking up at him expectantly. The joy disappeared from her eyes the second they connected with his.
She released his hand and without another word, she turned and marched down the hall.
“Molly,” Jordan pleaded, following her, although he didn’t know what he’d say if she did decide to listen to him.
She gathered his clothes from the floor, wadded them tightly and thrust them into his arms.
“I’d like to talk about this,” he said calmly.
“Go ahead.”
“I’m afraid, Molly.”