Page 25 of Just Married
Ian slipped his chubby legs around her waist and reached for her dangly earrings.
It had been awkward being friends with Molly in the beginning. But Lesley had soon gotten over that. Seeing that she often worked with Jordan, it was important that the two women reach an agreement.
Soon after Bethany was born, Lesley and Molly had sat down and talked openly. Their discussion had revolved around Lesley’s short relationship with Jordan.
Secure in her husband’s love, Molly had gone out of her way to put Lesley at ease. In the three years since Jordan and Molly had reunited, Lesley considered the contractor’s wife one of her best friends.
Lesley pulled out a kitchen chair and crossed her legs, letting Ian ride on the end of her foot while holding on to his plump arms. She was so involved in playing with the little boy that she didn’t notice someone else had entered the kitchen. When she caught sight of a figure standing just inside the sliding glass door, she glanced up, a ready smile in place, waiting for an introduction.
Her foot went still. So did her heart. “Zane.”
“Hello, Lesley. It’s good to see you again.”
Good to see you again.She wasn’t sure what was required of her. Ian squalled in protest, not wanting the fun to end. Lesley felt disoriented, as if she’d been on a carnival ride that had spun around so many times, she’d lost her equilibrium.
She lifted Ian from her foot and cuddled him close, almost as though she needed the baby to insulate her from the shock of seeing Zane.
“What are you doing here?” She didn’t realize how rude the question was until she voiced it. “I mean…I didn’t know anyone else had been invited.”
“We’re starting work on Zane’s house this week,” Jordan announced as he reached inside the refrigerator for a plate piled high with thick porterhouse steaks.
“So soon?” Lesley’s gaze traveled from Jordan to Zane.
“The sooner the better, don’t you think?” Jordan commented.
“Of course.” Lesley couldn’t keep her muddled thinking straight. Had she known Zane had been invited, she would have mentally prepared herself for the meeting. To happen upon him like this completely knocked the breath out of her.
“Mommy, Mommy, bring Aunt Lesley to see,” Bethany called from the backyard.
“Jordan built her a playhouse,” Molly explained to Lesley as she carried an hors d’oeuvre plate outside to the picnic table.
“This I’ve got to see.” Taking Ian with her, Lesley followed Molly outside, but it wasn’t her friend’s craftsmanship that interested her.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lesley whispered the minute the two women were alone.
“About Zane coming?”
“Yes,” Lesley said in hushed tones.
“I didn’t know. We invited him more than a week ago and he refused.” Molly took Ian from Lesley and placed him in the high chair set up on the patio. “Then, out of the blue, he called and asked if the invitation was still open. We were thrilled. It isn’t often that we see him. This is the first time since his—” she paused, and lowered her voice “—since his accident. From what Jordan said, Zane rarely leaves Sleepy Valley.” She glanced toward Zane, and Molly’s eyes saddened. “He’s a good man, Lesley. A very good man. He risked his life for Jordan and me.”
Lesley didn’t understand, but wasn’t given the opportunity to question Molly further.
“Come look, come look,” Bethany insisted, taking Lesley’s hand and pulling her toward the one-room playhouse. Lesley had seen apartments built with less flourish. Jordan had outdone himself.
She allowed the three-year-old to show her around.
“Bethany,” her mother called, “it’s time to get ready for dinner.”
The little girl raced toward her mother.
Zane joined Lesley, his gaze following Jordan’s daughter. “What you said the other day about children…Did you mean it?”
“Yes,” she answered, her heart pounding. “I want it all.”
“Marriage, children, a home.”