Page 28 of Just Married
“Of course. She took over the feed store when her father died a few years back.”
“Send her as many flowers as this will cover.” He set the money on the counter and started to walk away.
“You can’t leave,” the woman called.
“I can’t?”
“I need to know what kind of flowers you want? How many? And what about the card?”
“A card?” Carl paused, his hand on the doorknob. “Do you need extra for that?”
“No…no.” The woman was clearly flustered. “Generally, a card is enclosed. Candy will want to know who sent her the flowers.”
Carl hesitated, then shook his head. “She’ll figure it out without any card. As for which kind and how many, I’ll leave that up to you.” He hurried out the door before someone recognized him.
* * *
The minute Lesley turned into the long driveway that led to Zane’s home, she experienced a keen sense of homecoming. The feeling was similar to what she’d felt on her first trip to his property. The house reached out to her with wide, open arms. Unfortunately, the proprietor wouldn’t.
Zane’s invitation had come as a welcome surprise. Lesley had given up any and all attempts to understand Zane. Whenever they were together, the attraction between them was so powerful, it affected everyone around them. The air seemed to throb with electricity. People seemed to stop and wait for something to happen between Zane and her.
Dinner with their friends had been an ordeal for them both. Zane couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her. She was guilty of staring at him too. After a while, as rude as it sounded, Lesley felt that Molly and Jordan were an intrusion.
Watching Zane with the Larabees’ two children had deeply touched her. Bethany was naturally curious about his scar. Zane had held the three-year-old and allowed her to trace her small finger down the side of his face.
With limitless patience, he answered the questions Lesley had been afraid to ask. A very bad man had done that to him and, no, it didn’t hurt. Not anymore.
Lesley had been captivated, studying Zane with Bethany and Ian. He seemed to be equally enthralled watching her with the children. Being with Bethany and Ian reminded her of how badly she longed for a child herself.
Lesley sighed and shoved the memories from her mind. Instead, she forced herself to focus her attention on Zane’s home.
It was apparent that the remodeling project was in full swing. The place hummed with activity. A stack of building supplies lined one side of the lawn. A van and a pickup truck were parked in front, and a series of men purposely strolled in and out of the house.
Lesley parked away from the construction vehicles and climbed out of the car. No sooner had her car door closed than Mrs. Applegate stepped onto the porch and waved.
“Oh, my. You’re a sight for sore eyes, dearie.”
Lesley hugged the older woman.
“Have you ever seen a bigger mess in all your life?” the housekeeper asked under her breath.
“It won’t take long. I promise,” Lesley said, hoping to comfort Zane’s housekeeper.
“All this mess has got Mr. Zane unsettled.”
“Is Zane around?” She was right on time, and disappointed he wasn’t here to greet her himself.
“Mr. Zane’s on the phone. I’m sure he’ll be available any minute. Come into the kitchen with me. I just made a pitcher of lemonade.” Mrs. Applegate glanced around and then lowered her voice. “He misses you.”
“I’m sure that isn’t true.”
“Mark my words, dearie. That man needs a woman in his life. And the one he wants is you.”
A stocky fellow, wearing a hard hat, stopped them. “I don’t suppose you’ve got any more of those oatmeal cookies left, do you?”
“Of course,” Mrs. Applegate said, beaming with pride. “I’ll get you a plate when I bring out the lemonade.” The minute the man was out of sight, the housekeeper whispered, “I swear these men are eating us out of house and home. The big one over there ate a dozen of my oatmeal cookies in one sitting just this morning.”
Lesley had trouble hiding a smile. Mrs. Applegate was in her element now that she had someone who appreciated her home-baked goods.