Page 39 of Just Married
“You tell your parents for me that they’ve raised a fine pair of boys. But it’s not a good idea to come down here to this stretch of beach without getting my permission first, understand?”
Both boys nodded simultaneously.
“Goodbye, boys.”
“Goodbye.” They turned and took off running, their young legs kicking up rock and sand in their rush to find their friend and tell him of their adventure.
With a smile, Zane finished his ride. Welcoming the freedom, Arabesque took off down the beach in a full gallop. A motion from the corner of Zane’s eye caught his attention. He looked up toward his property and to his delight discovered Lesley standing at the viewpoint. She was dressed in red, and when she realized he’d seen her, she waved.
He returned the gesture. Lesley had made her decision. Because of the distance, Zane couldn’t read her expression. His first inclination was to assume she’d decided to accept his proposal. Then he realized she was the type who would face him either way.
With a flick of the reins, Zane urged Arabesque up the hill. Instead of taking the switchback, Zane drove the gelding up the steep slope, using both the talent of his animal and his skill as a rider to make the vertical climb.
By the time he reached the top, Arabesque was slick with sweat. When he returned his gelding to the barn, Carl volunteered to cool him down.
“Give him a handful of extra oats,” Zane instructed. Then, because he was anxious to see Lesley, he left.
He found her hurrying across the front lawn. He didn’t want to appear overly eager, and at the same time his heart felt like an air hammer pounding holes into his chest. Her decision shouldn’t matter this much, but it did.
He wanted a son. A boy like the ones he’d happened upon while on the beach. A child who would fight against impossible odds to save his brother. One with backbone and honor.
They met halfway across the yard. He searched her face, thinking he might read the answer in her eyes.
“I’ve made my decision,” she said, looking confused and uncertain. Her eyes seemed red rimmed, and he couldn’t think of a single reason for her to weep.
“I was convinced we’d both be making a mistake if we married.”
Disappointment zeroed in on Zane like a hawk narrowing in on a field mouse. He should have realized it would take more than the promise of financial security to tempt a beautiful woman like Lesley to marry a monster like him.
“Perhaps if we spent more time getting to know each other. Surely you realize we’re barely more than acquaintances.”
“No.” He hadn’t the time nor the patience for a lengthy courtship. “If you agree to be my wife, we’ll be married by the end of the month.”
“Not this month?”
“This month,” he countered. But she’d already decided otherwise, so it shouldn’t matter.
Lesley lowered her gaze. “I saw you just now with those two boys, and saw how good you were with them, and I understand now. I feel…”
What the Glasser boys had to do with this Zane didn’t know.
“I’d made my decision,” she whispered, and it sounded very much like she was on the verge of tears. “Blast you, Zane Ackerman, blast you.” She fell into his arms, sobbing for no reason that he could ascertain.
When her emotion was spent, he eased her away from him enough to look at her face, which was blotchy and red. “Lesley, what’s wrong?”
“Me, that’s what’s wrong. I want this. I want a family. I guess what I’m saying is that I’ll marry you.”
This seemed to be a day for celebrating. Because it was impossible to hide his happiness, his arms surrounded Lesley’s waist and he whirled her around, shouting at the top of his lungs.
CARL WAS DETERMINED TOdo everything right on his date with Candy. He didn’t stop to analyze why it was so important that he mend fences with the little hellcat. Frankly, he feared he wouldn’t like the answer.
When he first started dealing with her at the feed store, he actively disliked her. The woman drove him nuts. He’d never liked bossy, opinionated women, especially ones who seemed to think they could compete in a man’s world, and did. Nor did he appreciate the way she tried to disguise the fact she was a woman. With breasts a cover model would envy, it seemed a downright shame for her to walk around in such an unflattering wardrobe.
Then out of the blue, Candy started dressing and acting like a woman. He recalled the night of the Grange dance. He’d walked in and spied her across the room, talking with one of the men who worked at the feed store. She was beautiful. He couldn’t take his eyes off her—what a difference a little makeup and a skirt could make. From that moment forward, Carl hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her.
After their explosive lovemaking, Carl had assumed whatever was between them would be satisfied. But it hadn’t worked that way. Instead of leaving him content, their one time together had created a need for more. His thoughts were dominated with the question of how long he’d have to wait. He couldn’t forget the way it’d been between them. Explosive. Urgent. Volatile. Exciting.