Page 52 of Just Married
“I don’t know—soon.”
“How soon? Next week, next month…?” she persisted.
He didn’t answer.
“How long will you be away?”
He hesitated. “A week, maybe longer.” Again he offered no additional information.
She knew that he wasn’t any keener on going than she was on having him leave. But drilling him with questions he didn’t want to answer would serve no useful purpose.
“I’ll miss you,” she said softly.
The intensity with which his eyes darkened told her that he felt the same way.
THE PAIN INZANE’S LEGintensified as he continued with the physical therapy. He’d been working out three and four hours each day in an effort to build up his endurance. His routine rarely changed. He started with straight leg lifts, then leg curls, followed by hip adductions and toe and calf raises.
Sweat broke out across his forehead as he gritted his teeth and focused his concentration on working his injured thigh, hoping to regain what mobility he could.
The feeling of urgency drove him to push himself harder and harder. He had to leave Lesley soon. Much sooner than he wanted. He had to find Schuyler before the temptation to stay grew too strong to resist.
In retrospect, Zane realized he’d been incredibly naive to think he could marry Lesley and not fall in love with her. When he’d learned about her relationship with Jordan Larabee, his feelings had been mixed. He strongly suspected she continued to hold some tenderness for the contractor. Being the noble, kind person that she was, Lesley had stepped aside in order to give Jordan and Molly the opportunity to give their marriage a second chance.
A part of Zane had been relieved to know about Lesley’s involvement with Jordan. If she continued to love Jordan then she wasn’t as likely to care as deeply for him. After Zane was killed, she’d mourn his death, but it wouldn’t devastate her, and that comforted him.
At the same time, Zane had nearly been consumed with jealousy. The thought of Lesley loving another man ate at him like a school of piranha. Again and again he forced himself to remember that they’d both gone into this marriage for specific reasons, none of which had to do with love.
Now, without warning, the rules had changed. For the first time in his life, Zane Ackerman was falling in love.
Attaching any romantic sentiment to their marriage was something he’d never intended. It was both foolish and dangerous to become emotionally involved with Lesley, and yet it seemed impossible not to love her.
In the weeks since their wedding, Zane had grown accustomed to having his wife at his side. When she left for the office in the morning, he counted the hours until her return.
Each night he anxiously anticipated her homecoming. By four o’clock he actively watched the time, wanting to be close by to personally welcome her home. He worried about the long commute, feared an accident, but said nothing.
Following dinner, they often sat in the library and talked over coffee, sharing details of their day. Zane had come to appreciate her wit and her intelligence. More and more he realized how fortunate his child would be to have Lesley for his or her mother.
Following their wedding, his nights, once filled with demons and nightmares, became Zane’s favorite part of the day. A thousand times he reminded himself he wasn’t a teenager and that his fierce physical need for her was sure to burn itself out soon. He was wrong. To this point it hadn’t happened. Zane tried to convince himself that the sole purpose in their lovemaking was to impregnate Lesley quickly. Once the deed was done, he would be free to go after Schuyler the way he’d vowed. Once he was certain Lesley carried his child, there would be no excuse to linger. At the rate with which he worked to that end, he didn’t think it would take more than a month or two. He actively prayed it wouldn’t.
For the first time in his life, Zane felt completely and utterly content. It took him far longer than it should have to acknowledge he was happy, although it seemed to be obvious to everyone else. Even Mrs. Applegate took delight in telling him so.
“I thought I’d find you in here.” Carl Saks strolled into the exercise room and broke into his thoughts. Carl hesitated before he asked, “Have you got a minute?”
Zane was grateful for an excuse to quit and reached for a hand towel. “Sure.” He wiped the sweat off his face. “What’s on your mind?”
Carl was looking almost haggard these days. They rarely talked, and since the wedding, his friend had taken to eating his meals alone. Zane knew it wasn’t anything personal. Carl was offering Zane this time to be with Lesley, and if he guessed right, Carl had his own love interest.
“The bank phoned this morning and everything’s progressing smoothly with me buying the Gaudette property. It looks like I’ll be moving at the end of the week.”
“That soon?” Zane didn’t realize he’d spoken aloud until Carl responded.
“Actually, I’m grateful to have a place of my own.”
Zane could well appreciate that, but he felt fortunate that Carl had stayed on this long. “It’s not going to be the same around here without you,” he said.
“You’ve got Lesley now,” Carl said.