Page 64 of Just Married
A new life grew within her. She closed her eyes, remembering the times they’d made love since their wedding night. Zane’s beautiful kisses, the tender way in which his body had loved hers. Together they’d created this baby.
How Lesley longed to share the news with Zane. He hadn’t phoned, not once. Each night she longed to hear from him, hoping he would call or text, but she’d heard nothing.
The day he was due back, Lesley didn’t drive into the office. She wanted to be there when he arrived home, wanted to rush down the stairs to greet him, wanted to throw herself into his arms, kiss him senseless and tell him about the baby.
The picture in her mind became reality early that afternoon. The instant she heard the airport limo, she flew down the stairs and outside. Zane had no sooner climbed out of the car when she shot down the porch steps and straight into his arms.
Her husband caught her by the waist and whirled her around.
Their kisses were frenzied and urgent.
“I take it this means you missed me,” he said, laughing.
“Yes. Oh, Zane, I have wonderful news.”
“Give me a chance to catch my breath, then you can tell me.” He tucked his arm around her shoulder and led her toward the house.
“Welcome home, Mr. Zane,” Mrs. Applegate greeted. Her eyes met Lesley’s, eager to know if she’d told him about the baby yet.
“It’s good to be home,” Zane said. If he noticed the silent signals between the two women, he didn’t comment.
“Not yet.” Lesley mouthed the words and the housekeeper nodded.
“You make yourself comfortable and I’ll bring you both in a spot of tea.”
“Excellent idea,” Zane said, taking Lesley’s hand and leading her into the library. “What are you doing home this time of day?”
“I couldn’t bear driving into the office. Not when I knew you’d be home any time.”
The moment they were alone, Zane hauled her into his arms and kissed her with a hunger that was close to brutal. With a low, moan. “I thought I’d go crazy without you,” he whispered. They kissed again, but were interrupted by Mrs. Applegate clearing her throat.
“There’s a nice man here who needs to know where you’d like these items taken.”
Zane propped his forehead against Lesley. “Have him bring them in here,” he instructed.
Lesley buried her face in his neck, but laughed as she overheard Mrs. Applegate explain to the limo driver that they were newlyweds.
Zane reached inside his jacket pocket. “I picked this up in a little jewelry shop in Paris. I hope you like it.”
Lesley’s gaze widened at the size of the emerald-and-diamond ring. “Zane,” she breathed softly. “It’s beautiful.”
‘Try it on and see if it fits.”
The ring was only the beginning of the things he’d bought her. There was a necklace to match the ring, a solid gold pen and lingerie that made her blush when she unwrapped it.
He brought chocolates for Mrs. Applegate and seemed embarrassed when the housekeeper got teary-eyed.
“I have something for you, as well,” Lesley told him.
“You said you had good news.”
“Sit down,” she said, directing him toward his favorite chair, next to the fireplace. When he was comfortably seated, she eased herself onto his lap. He leaned forward and kissed her with enough hunger and passion that she nearly forgot everything else.
“I had a hard time buying you that lingerie,” he whispered. “I’d imagine what you’d look like with it on and…shall we say, a certain part of my anatomy found the image much too tempting to ignore.”
“Zane,” she admonished. “I’m trying to tell you something important.”
“Sorry. It’s just that it’s so good to see you.”