Page 13 of Twice the Love
“Can Daddy pick you up?” Travis asked. At her nod, he scooped her into his tattooed arms.
“Can we go home, please?” she asked. “I just want to go home.”
“Of course, baby, of course we can,” he said as he lifted her. He shot me a look over his shoulder, and I nodded in silent agreement. Tonight was the last night our girl spent scared and hopefully, the last night I spent single.
I walked in front of Travis, clearing the way for him. I opened the truck door and stepped back as he settled her inside the cab.
“Thank you, sweethearts,” I told Emily and Dallas after they rushed out of the club carrying Reagan’s craft project and her lovie she must have dropped.
“We hope you feel better, Rae-Rae!” they chanted as they turned and ran back to the club. I nodded my thanks to Pike as he waited for them to come back in. They’d call later and check on her. They were trying to give her time to process everything right now.
“You ready?” Travis asked after he shut the truck door. He was referring to more than the drive home.
“Yeah,” I said even though I had no confidence. We were going to find out what was wrong with our girl, and I was going to confess my feelings for her. I thoughtImight need some anxiety medication by the time the night was over.
“I’m gonna sit in the back with her. I think she probably needs some extra comfort,” Travis said as he tossed me his keys.
He wantedmeto drive his gargantuan truck?
“Uh… Yeah, I can drive. Totally,” I said as I tried to give a confident little nod.
“Just don’t steer us into oncoming traffic and we’ll be fine,” he teased before he climbed in the back with Reagan. Her quiet sniffles pulled at my heart.
“Right, no oncoming traffic. I can totally do that,” I said as I walked around to the driver’s side. “We’re all gonna die.”
I hit four curbs, but eventually we pulled into the driveway with no fatalities. Thankfully. I never wanted to drive that monster again. By the third curb, Reagan laughed and was in slightly better spirits when I parked. “You really didn’t do so great,” she said when we pulled in. “I think maybe I need to kiss the driveway.”
“You need more spankings,” I said as I killed the ignition and turned to look at her. She smiled back at me with a bit of sass, and I realized how much I had missed her fiery spirit over the last few weeks. I reached out to stroke her cheek gently. “I love you,” I reminded her. She flushed and looked away. I sighed as her face closed off and then I turned to look at Travis.
He nodded at me before unbuckling her and carrying her inside. I followed close behind him as he set her on the couch before pulling out the ottoman. We both took a seat on the ottoman as we faced her. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans. I was a nervous wreck. Not just because I was about to tell the woman I loved how I felt, but because this might break us. I knew Travis didn’t think it would, but he wasn’t a fortune teller as much as I wished he were.
Reagan looked extremely concerned for a moment, and it pulled at my heart. I could only imagine the scenarios running through her head.
“Daddy and Uncle Maddox want to talk to you, baby girl. We want to get to the bottom of what’s bothering you and we think we might have an idea,” Travis started off.
“We need you to know that we both love you no matter what, Little love,” I added. I felt Travis’ knee rest against mine. That was his way of giving me his assurance.
“I need to talk to Daddy,” Reagan blurted out. “I need to talk to Daddy alone before we can talk together.”
Travis and I looked at each other before looking back at her. “Okay, baby, you want to talk in my office?” Travis asked, stood, and scooped her back into his arms.
“Yes, please. You go buy pizza and ice cream,” she added as she looked at me. “But take your car, not Daddy’s truck.” I laughed at her orders and sass.
“Pizza and ice cream, huh?” I asked her as I stood. Pizza and ice cream were kind of our family thing. Whenever something stressful happened, we had a carb fest. We ate all the bad foods and watched all the bad movies. We usually piled in the living room and, most of the time, we fell asleep snuggled into one pile.
“Yes. It’s a big talk,” she answered before Travis carried her towards his office.
I grabbed my keys and headed back out. I was slightly mopey. Okay, I was a lot mopey, but Travis and Reagan had the right to speak privately. It just sucked. I wanted to be there to ease her worries too, especially if those worries were about me.
I entered the store and bitterly tossed some ice cream into the cart before wheeling my way to the cookies. Why was I buying cookies too? Because today sucked. I’d pushed Reagan too hard, made her safeword, and spanked her with my belt. I confessed to my best friend that I had feelings for his wife, then I got sent on a stupid busy errand so Travis could find out what was going on with our baby. His baby.
I tossed in two different boxes of cookies and a pack of cupcakes for Reagan. Then I added some chocolate cake things for Travis. Part of me wanted to smash them in his perfectly shaped face, but I wouldn’t. Reagan was his wife. He had the privilege to talk to her alone. I didn’t like it, though. I hated it. I rubbed my forehead as the beginning of a headache started to take root.
I turned the cart and headed towards the checkout. I stopped by the various candy bars and drinks before adding several of each. If Travis sent me on this stupid errand, the least he could do is buy me all the candy and cookies I could shove into the Reagan-sized hole in my heart. I winced at that thought. How dramatic.
Chapter Eight