Page 9 of Twice the Love
Smack.The belt fell at the same time my stomach did. Reagan let out a cry as Travis kissed her forehead. He whispered sweetly to her, and I raised my arm again.
I continued to swing the belt, and I swear I felt worse after every strike. This was a terrible punishment. Who had come up with this? I was never doing it again. I didn’t care if she murdered someone.
“We’re halfway done, Rae-Rae.” I tried to soothe her. Not that I was sure she could hear me over her sobs. Her pale bottom was already striped like a candy cane—appropriate considering she was still eating down the stockpile she had from Christmas.
I took a breath and finished the final five swats. As soon as the last one fell, I dropped the belt and snatched her up from the desk. She was sobbing so hard I was concerned about her breathing.
“Sorry! I’m sorry!” she sobbed into my neck. I rocked her as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
“Oh, I know you are, baby. You’re a good girl and Uncle Maddox still loves you so much. You’re not a bad girl, you just made a bad choice.” I rested my forehead on her little shoulder.
I felt a hand on my back and looked up to see Travis standing beside us. “Let’s go snuggle in my bed, yeah?” he suggested as he led us both towards the bedroom. “Uncle Maddox can even pick the movie.” I was relieved he was trying to make sure I was okay too.
I laid Rae-Rae on his bed, and her soft, “Owie,” pulled at my heart.
“Can Uncle Maddox put some boo-boo cream on your booty, baby?” Travis asked. She bruised so easily that we kept several tubes of arnica cream around. “Daddy’s going to go get you a baba, okay?”
She nodded as a flush covered her body.
He tossed me the cream and some panties from his dresser before jogging out of the room.
I squeezed some of the cream onto my fingers and rubbed my hands together. She did this adorable little flip onto her tummy and tucked her legs under her in a crossed position so her bottom was in the air but her pussy was partly hidden. I had bathed and changed her many times over the years, but she was still very modest. Even at the bar play parties where nudity wasn’t a foreign concept, she still liked to keep her body to herself or Travis. I gently rubbed the cream over her fiery skin as she whimpered. “I’m sorry Uncle Maddox had to spank you, baby love. It really hurt my heart.”
“Really hurt my butts,” she mumbled against the blanket, and I laughed. She turned her head and gave a little grin. It helped to settle my heart just a bit.
“Can you flip back over so I can put your panties on, sassy girl?” I asked.
Her smile fell, but she slowly rolled over, pulled her knees up, and blocked my view of her pussy.
“You’re just a shy baby, aren’t you?” I asked as I lowered her legs down and grabbed the wipes. She bit her lip and didn’t answer. I let it go because she had been through a lot this morning and was entitled to her shyness. I pulled some wipes from the package and used my free hand to guide her legs a little wider. I wanted to make sure I didn’t get the cream in any areas it shouldn’t be in. It was then that I noticed the shine on her thighs. Her little pink mound flushed with arousal. Her dripping slit. She was turned on— incredibly turned on.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. Her skin turned bright red. "I didn't mean for it to happen."
I met her watery eyes. “Oh, baby, this isn’t your fault. This is a normal reaction to being disciplined.” I understood. I felt the same way. My cock was so hard it hurt. “This isn’t anything you need to—”
“No. Stop.”
“Baby, I’m—”
“Stop,” she demanded just as Travis appeared in the doorway. He was holding her baba.
“All right, I promised Uncle Maddox he could pick the movie, so what are we watching, Uncle Maddox?” Travis asked as he ran from the door to the bed and jumped in, making Reagan bounce. I quickly slid her panties back up, settled her in the middle of the bed, and climbed in beside her.
Travis handed me the remote before pulling the covers up over him and Reagan. He flipped her so her bottom and back were resting up against him. He ran one tattooed arm under the pillow and used the other to hold the bottle to her mouth. “Nakey baby snuggles,” he teased as he rubbed his beard over her neck and back. She smiled before taking the bottle into her mouth.
I climbed onto the bed and snuggled close to her before finding one of her favorite princess movies. I kissed her forehead, and she gave me a soft smile around her bottle. Her eyes were still red rimmed from crying so hard, but the tremors seemed to be easing. I didn’t miss the way her gaze begged me not to say anything. We would eventually have to talk about it, but she had been through enough for the time being.
“It's a Rae-Rae sandwich,” I teased as I tried to ease her anxiety.
“I heard Rae-Rae sandwiches taste the best.” Travis pretended to take big bites out of her. She gave us the sweetest giggle, and I knew in my heart, despite all the secrets, we would be okay.
Chapter Five
I played my game system as I sat buckled into the back of Daddy’s big truck. He and Uncle Maddox talked about the bar on the way to the Sticker Party. Every once in a while, he would reach back and stroke my leg. It made my kitty throb in the most delicious way. I hoped he and I would get to have some special time together tonight. I tried not to rub my belly as the guilt crept back in. Was I being unfaithful to Daddy because I had feelings for Uncle Maddox too? Maybe I didn’t deserve special time with Daddy.
Uncle Maddox had tried to talk to me several times since my spanking, but I wouldn’t answer him. I couldn’t answer him. How could I explain that I found him attractive and that yes, his discipline definitely made me wet, but it was bad of me? How could I tell him I woke up a few months ago and realized I loved himandDaddy? How could I explain that despite my feelings, he and I could never have a relationship because I loved my Daddy more? It just seemed mean to tell someone you loved them and then follow it up with, “but we can’t be together.”That did not seem like a nice thing to do.