Page 19 of Forbidden Love
“Oh no!” I exclaimed.
“What’s wrong?”
“I left Teefs in your truck. She’s gonna be so upset with me.”
Pike smiled. “I’ll go get her, baby. I’ll explain the whole situation and I bet she’ll be so understanding. I think Teefs has wanted us to be together for a long time.”
I sniffled. “You think so?”
He bent down and kissed my forehead. “I’m sure.”
I loved that he didn’t scold me for being dramatic or emotional.
He came back quickly and handed me the stuffie. “I talked to her and explained what happened. She said she understood and knew you’d come back for her. She told me she didn’t want to see me nakey anyway.”
I smiled at him and then kissed Teefs’ head. I still felt bad I left her in the truck. It was dark out there and Teefs was scared of the dark. She wasn’t very good at being a spooky stuffie. I usually had to cover her eyes when we watched horror movies.
Pike climbed into bed beside me and pulled me into his arms. He kissed the back of my neck.
‘Tomorrow, we’ll talk about rules and limits, okay? I’m sorry I got ahead of myself tonight. I should have taken more time to talk with you before dragging you to my bed. I should have…Ouch!”
“Dallas Kate, did you just pinch me, Little girl?”
“I loved tonight. I know you’ll be responsible with me and our relationship. You always take care of me. I liked knowing you wanted me bad enough to be a little reckless.” My core clenched at his firm tone.
He rolled me onto my belly, threw his leg over both of mine, and popped my ass four times.
“You don’t pinch, Bitty. You can argue your point, but you don’t pinch. Do you understand?”
Tears filled my eyes. “Yes, sir.”
He rolled me back over and pulled me into his chest, rubbing my back with a gentleness that conflicted with the harshness of the smacks he’d just given me.
“I’m sorry, Pike.”
He kissed my forehead. “I know you didn’t mean to be naughty, baby. You’re a good girl,” he soothed.
I buried my face in his chest and breathed in his scent. He smelled a bit like strawberries from our bath earlier.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Bitty. I’ve dreamed of this day.”
I tipped my face up to his and he kissed my lips gently.
"Me too."
“I’m so damn blessed.”
I woke to a beeping noise and groaned. I was off today. Why did I set an alarm?
“I’m sorry, Bitty. It’s mine.”
I was shuffled around whenPike reached to turn it off.
I smiled as last night's memories came flooding back. Pike and I were finally together. It didn’t seem real.
Pike kissed me softly and pulled me closer. He’d showered and was dressed for work.