Page 5 of Forbidden Love
I eyed her outfit. She looked nothing like the “grown woman” she claimed to be. She wore a black sleep shirt that had “Princess of Darkness” printed on it. Long black socks with little white bows covered her legs to mid-thigh. I was sure she had some silly panties under it. She loved silly panties.
I loved a lot of things about Dallas, but one of the things I loved the most was the fact that her Little was a direct reflection of her adult side. She loved black, skulls, horror, and true crime. She could tell you anything you needed to know about any horror movie that had ever been written. Pink? No, thank you. Unicorns? Only if their horns were covered in the blood of those who’d displeased her.The Care Bears Movie?How aboutIt Chapter Twoinstead? She loved that damn clown.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she grumbled. She was grouchy because she felt bad. The breathing treatments she needed to take added to her grump. They made her shaky and dizzy.
“Look at you how, Bitty?” I asked as I stepped off my bike.
“Like I’m a baby.”
I closed the space between us. “I guess this would be a bad time to point out that you’re my baby.”
Her fierce frown was adorable, and I worked to keep from smiling.
“I’m twenty-four. I can pay taxes and vote. I could move out if I wanted to,” she argued, but it wasn’t very effective with all the coughing.
“You could try and move out. I’d spank your ass, but you could still try.”
She turned and stomped back into the house. “You can’t just threaten to spank me every time I do something you don’t like, Pike.”
I didn’t comment. I caught up with her quickly and scooped her off her feet. Her skin was too warm.
“Put me down,” she whined.
I ignored her and carried her into my room.
“I wanna go to my room!” she whined again, her Little showing through.
“No, I want to check your temp. You’re burning up, Bitty.”
“I don’t want you to take it.”
“I know, baby.”
I sat her down on my bed. She immediately curled on her side and pulled Teefs close. I stroked her hair out of her face. “What feels bad, Bitty?”
“My head hurts. My chest hurts a little too.”
“Yeah? Is your chest tight or does it just hurt?”
“It just hurts.”
“You took some puffs?” I asked, referring to her inhaler.
She nodded pitifully. “And I already did a breathing treatment.”
“Good girl.” I kissed her forehead before going into my bathroom and getting her thermometer.
“Nooooo,” she moaned when I came back into the room. She had worked her way under the covers. “I don’t want you to take my temperature.”
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.”
Iwassorry, but not enough to let her go without me checking her temp.
“Not in my butt. It’s so embarrassing!”
“You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about.”
“You could take it in my mouth.”