Page 1 of That Right Moment
Chapter One
Twelve Years Ago
With one final twirl of my skirt and a dab of lipstick, I looked at myself in the full body mirror in my dorm room. The blue material spun around my legs, the fabric hitting my skin ever so lightly. My auburn hair sat just past my shoulders, the short waves creating that perfect beachy look. It wasn’t every day I got dolled up for a night out. Even if going on a blind date wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do, I was thrilled to be getting out of the dorm. Away from the books and out of the crowd that was the pre-dental world.
My roommate, Ophelia, stood by the door as I made the final inspection of my appearance. She stared at her nails, the bright orange flashing against her dark skin, waiting for me to decide whether or not I was ready to go. I knew she was growing impatient. You couldn’t live with someone for three years without learning their tendencies, but I was wearing actual clothes—not scrubs or sweatpants, so I was going to take my time.
I hadn’t been on a date in forever—four years to be exact—and if thisblind datewas going to work, I wanted to make a good first impression. If I were being honest about my feelings, I would say that I wasnervousas hell to meet this random guy—butexcitedas hell to get out in a skirt.
“Mads,” she grumbled, her slight southern accent coming out with that single syllable, “you look fine. It’s just a date, not a wedding.”
“Ophelia”—I glared at her in the mirror—“you know I don’t do this kind of stuff. Clay is certain about this guy, the same one you said could be the one to fill the ‘void.’” I turned to her, air quoting the wordvoidas I narrowed my eyes on her.
“Clay has lived with Milo for two years, and he’s just as much of a homebody as you are,” she said, eyebrows raised. “Something has to get you away from those textbooks.”
“If I want to go to dental school, I need to study. That’s what's important right now.” I turned back to the mirror and smoothed out my skirt for the final time. “I don’t want too many distractions.” I spun to face her, my skirt flying around my legs. I grabbed my handbag and sweater and followed Ophelia out the door.
Dental school was my top priority at the moment. I wasn’t too keen on dating, but Ophelia’s boyfriend, Clay, had been adamant I would love his roommate. I finally agreed after months of them begging for a double date. I knew absolutely nothing about this guy, nor did I really care to. I wanted to go to the bar, have a few drinks, maybe dance to a few songs and then come home and get ready for classes the next day.
Clay was waiting for us in the parking lot of our dorm, Ophelia instantly running toward him with her arms wide open. The two of them had met a year prior and had been inseparable ever since. I had simply been the third wheel between them.
“So, where’s my date?” I asked, coming up to them, swaying my hips a little more than normal. Man did I feel fancy. A smile hit my lips.
“He had to get changed from his shift.” Clay let go of Ophelia’s waist and opened the car door for her, giving her a small kiss before she ducked into the front seat. “He’s going to meet us at the bar.”
“Oh, perfect.”More time to overthink it.“Where are we going?” I asked, climbing in the back seat of Clay’s Mazda.
Ophelia turned and looked at me from the front seat. “The Piano Bar.”
I nodded and pursed my lips. “Ooh, classy place in the heart of Portland. I’m glad I dressed the part.” I buckled up and turned my attention out the window.
The Piano Bar wasn’t far from the campus and was always packed. The dueling piano players always drew in the crowd. I had been a few times with Ophelia but never in a date setting. I was sure she and Clay would find a way to sneak off and leave me alone with their mystery man. Stepping out of Clay’s car had me searching for a guy my age who I didn’t recognize.
“Okay, so,” Clay began, grasping Ophelia’s hand as we made our way to the entrance, “Milo lost his mom a while ago, and he’s still getting over that. He did drop out of college after she died. Don’t. Bring. That. Up.” He turned and pointed at me.
I nodded once, feeling as though I should salute. “You got it.” I made the mental note to not bring up school or moms. “So what can I talk about?” I whispered to Ophelia.
“Not teeth,” she whispered back.
I rolled my eyes.
“There he is,” Clay waved his hand. “Hey, Milo!” he called.
I craned my neck to see who responded. A man turned to face us. He raised his chin and gave the most dashing, vibrant smile I had ever seen. His smile was so perfect I had to convince myself he didn’t get his teeth whitened for our date. The rest of him, I noticed, was equally as impressive as he got closer. He wore jeans with a black t-shirt underneath a black jacket. I couldn’t see what was on the t-shirt, but I could tell it was some graphic from either a movie or a show. His sandy blonde hair rested just above his ears, and he had used gel to style it. It was his eyes though. They were sea blue, standing out even in the darkness, brighter than his smile. I could find myself getting lost in those enchanting eyes. I would drown in them—perfectly okay with the fact there was no one to pull me from the waters. I raised my eyebrows and looked him up and down, enjoying everything I was seeing.
“Hey, Clay, Ophelia,” he said as soon as he reached us. “And you must be Madeline Iverson.” He stuck out his hand for me to shake. “I’m Milo Harris.” His smile grew, if that was even possible.
I swallowed and grabbed his hand. His palm was soft and warm, a grip I didn’t want to let go of. “Madeline,” I repeated my name, trying to keep my voice from shaking. Milo was even more gorgeous up close. “It’s great to finally meet you.” I flashed him a smile.
His eyebrows twitched as the corners of his eyes crinkled from his smile. That damn smile. “Clay’s been telling me about you for a while. I’m glad we could finally get together.”
“Let’s get inside before they fill up.” Ophelia grabbed Clay’s hand and pulled him toward the entrance.
I looked down at Milo’s hand, still holding onto mine. Did I let go, or did I drag him into the bar like Ophelia did?
Before I could make up my mind, he moved forward, not loosening his grip. He jerked his head toward them, that smile beaming at me again. “Come on.”