Page 15 of That Right Moment
After years of only reading textbook after textbook, I finally found my way into fiction. Since I had become a dental hygienist, which every day I am thankful for (it's less stressful than being the dentist) I had conversations with my patients, asking them for book recommendations and talking about what books we loved or didn’t love that year. It was like our personal dental book club. Because of them, I discovered authors such as T.J. Klune, Katherine Center, Emily Henry, and Abby Jimenez—enjoying every one after devouring all their books, and even if I had the eBook or paperback, I had to have a hardback for my shelves. Reading was a way to escape the burn out that could happen with any job—and I welcomed the escapes.
Milo had gotten into the habit of giving me several books a year. He would always say that he saw the cover and just knew I would like it, without even reading the synopsis on the back—he just had a feeling it was for me. I always welcomed the gift, but I was starting to run out of room on my shelf. If he didn’t stop, and if I didn’t stop buying books to add to my to-be-read list, I would soon have my entire living room filled floor to ceiling with books.
And honestly…that fact didn't bother me.
Because of Milo, I was currently reading a book by Kristin Hannah, having my heart smashed, when my phone buzzed on my nightstand. I tried to ignore it while I finished the paragraph, but the buzzing finally got to Niko, who was currently curled up as a fluffy donut on my side. He grumbled, and the black-and-white floof that was my dog left my side and went to curl up on the foot of the bed.
“Oh, bud. So dramatic.” I put the book down on my chest and reached for my phone.
Ophelia’s photo popped up on the screen with her black frizzy hair, larger than normal, and the gold sunglasses resting against her nose, standing out against her dark skin. Her bright smile always made me smile. Even though it was an older photo and her hair was not as wild, Ophelia was still just as gorgeous.
Ophelia: This show is going to be the death of me.Her text was followed by a strew of emojis, mostly the mad ones.
I laughed out loud, even though there was no one to hear me. I responded,But, hey. You get to come home and do a show here! It will be like a vacation.
Ophelia: Ya, right. A vacation with a shit ton of clothes thrown all over your house. Sorry in advance for that, btw.
I love it.Which was the honest-to-God truth.
I hadn’t seen Ophelia in two years. After college, she and Clay broke off their relationship—both heading in different directions in life. She began designing clothes based on her African heritage, and she’d been hired by a fashion company in New York. I’d been out to visit her a few times, but it had been too long. Now that her job was bringing her here to launch her new line, she was going to stay with me for a weekend. Even though it was months away, I couldn’t wait.
Ophelia: You love everything though. Is there such a thing as clothes burn out? How’s Kent?
I glanced at my bare left ring finger. I didn’t want to jinx anything by telling her my suspension.
Madeline: Away at a convention. He comes home tomorrow.
I sent a little blushy emoji. I could just envision Ophelia shaking her head at my gushiness. Ever since Clay and her had their breakup (which, let me be honest, wasnota good one) she had kept single. Dating yes, but nothing too serious. She was a woman with a mission, and if anyone was going to accomplish it, it was Ophelia.
Ophelia: I’ll get to meet him while I’m there, right?
Madeline: You know it! (Smiley Face).
My boyfriend—my soon-to-be fiancé—and my best gal friend; finally meeting! I knew Ophelia would fall for him just like I did. Kent was everything I was looking for in a significant other. He was everything Iwantedin a husband.Our paths aligned perfectly. That was the next step, right? Marriage was the only logical thing to happen next in our relationship.
I closed the text thread and clicked on Kent’s name. He had been gone for a week in Salt Lake for their dental convention, and we haven't spoken yet today. I knew he was busy. Conventions were always a crazy time of the year, but I figured I’d send him at least one goodnight text to get him through the busy day tomorrow.
Madeline: I hope today was good. I miss seeing you. I love you. Goodnight.
Almost instantly my phone dinged.Night, Maddy.
I took the short reply as he was already in bed. Kent was the kind that once he was in bed, you didn’t bother him. He wasn’t a snuggler, and he valued his sleep.
I looked at his words a few more times, scrolling up through the thread to see his lastI love you.Even though it took me a minute to find it, I read it a few times and pretended it was sent seconds ago. Clicking the power button on my phone, turning the screen black, and setting it back on the charger, I picked my book back up. I heaved a sigh and then transported myself back into Kristin’s world ofThe Nightingale.
Saturday was my day off to catch up on any housework and tasks that I wasn’t able to accomplish during the busy week. Kent had always told me my job wasn’t as toiling as his. He was always on the road, speaking to different doctors who had no interest in speaking to him, traveling to different states to try and gain new offices as their clients. My job simply required me to sit in the same chair all day and scale (by Kent’s standards anyway).
He never took into consideration that I was hunched over, wearing long sleeves no matter what time of year it was and wearing a mask, loupes,anda face shield. Thank goodness for the fan I had running, or I would die from the heat. He also never considered the smells and the patient load. It was hard, but it was worth it. But when Saturday came along, I tried my hardest to not think about work. Saturday and Sunday were my days.
This Saturday also happened to be the day Kent was coming home. I hadn’t seen him in two weeks, and I was looking forward to seeing all of him tonight. I couldn’t be sure he was going to propose tonight, but I just had that feeling. Tonight had to be perfect.
I knew he would want to go to his apartment first, shower and as he said, “get the travel off of him,” before making his way over here for dinner. So my goal was to make my place spotless. Niko was a good boy and hung out on his bed after our morning walk, watching me as I shuffled around the house. I swept the hardwood and vacuumed the living room and hallways. I made sure my bed was made and all the trash was collected. The guest room was spotless—seeing as I’ve never had any real guests—and the bathrooms were sparkling.
After the entire house was clean, I plopped on my couch, Niko standing up and walking over to put his chin on my knee. I rubbed behind his ears. He hummed, a deep nose in his throat and closed his eyes. Glancing at the clock, I knew Kent was most likely back in Portland, hopefully showered by now.
I jumped up, making my way to the bathroom to shower and get ready myself. Just like when I was in college I never got to dress up, so I took any moment I could to look fabulous. It also helped that half of my dresses were designed by Ophelia. That woman would be making my wedding dress someday. I grinned at the thought. My own custom wedding gown? What would be better?