Page 27 of That Right Moment
“I’m almost nine,” she said, looking at me as if the swear didn't affect her at all. “Daddy swears all the time. Under his breath, thinking I don’t hear, but I do.” She smirked and tilted her head, taking a bite of her pizza.
I laughed. “My Big Fat Greek Weddingis not a bad movie. We can totally watch that one tonight.” I leaned into the table, coming down closer to her.
She gave me the biggest grin I had ever seen and raised her shoulders, taking another bite of pizza. Niko barked, hoping for a sneak of something. I tossed him a small piece of sausage, which he gulped down immediately, giving me a hopeful look for more.
“No more.” I pointed at him. He grumbled and then laid down, his eyes still focused on the pizza box. I looked back at the box, which was already missing three slices. I was still holding my first one, and Holly had just picked up her second.
“What's the chance we can go for ice cream?” she mumbled through a mouth full of cheese.
“Slim to none, girl. It may not be a school night for you, but your dad will kill me if I keep you up too late.”
She sighed. “Where are you going to sleep?”
I shrugged. “I may just go home after your dad gets back. It’s not a long drive.”
“But he said midnight, and we have Niko.” She reached down to pet his ears.
“That we do.”
“You could sleep on my floor. I promise I vacuumed.”
“Holly, you’re eight, and your room is cleaner than mine,” I admitted.
“I just like things clean.”
I rolled my eyes at her. This girl was something else. Her logic and smarts I swear she got from Milo, but the organization skill was definitely Hannah. It wasn’t that Milo was dirty by any means. He cleaned up after himself and made sure things were put away, but his apartment was organized chaos, even though he would claim it was clean. He knew where everything was, and that was all that mattered. Walk into Holly’s room, and it was like you were in another house altogether.
I had slept over at Milo’s before. His two-bedroom apartment was enough for him and Holly, and if I was there, he normally let me take his bed while he slept on the couch. But, without his permission, it would feel strange to just claim his bed.
“If I do sleep over, I’ll just sleep on the couch.” I took another bite of pizza.
Holly nodded as she chewed. “I like it when you’re over. You’re fun.”
“That’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“You must not know a lot of nice people then.” Holly set her crust down on the box and jumped up. “How long do I have to play?”
I pressed my phone screen, bringing it to life to see the time. “Fifteen minutes,” I said, shocked it was as late as it was. “My Big Fat Greek Weddingwon’t wait too long for us.”
Holly brushed her hands off on her shorts and ran to the playground. Niko whimpered as she got farther away.
“Oh, shush.” I looked down at Niko, and he placed his chin in between his paws and watched Holly carefully, making sure she was safe and sound as she played. I smiled as I watched her, filled with happiness just knowing that this little nugget was in my life forever, no matter what feelings I seemed to be harboring.
After the movie and a quick shower for Holly, I read to her from aMagic Tree Housebook—or “Jack and Annie” as Holly called them—before she drifted off to sleep. I settled on the couch, pulling my legs under me and placing my book on my lap. It was barely nine. I had a few hours until Milo was going to be home. I tapped my phone screen, pulling up the thread with Milo.
Madeline: I hope you are having an interesting night. Holly is fed, clean, and asleep. I’m 100% sure I will fall asleep on this couch, so please wake me so I can head out. Niko is here. He’s in with Holly. Hope that's okay.
I barely had time to open the book before Milo texted me back.
Milo: Take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch. Thank you again. It's been a crazy night. No time to even grab a taco. Shift is over soon. I hope you two had fun.
I chuckled, my thumbs now moving at rapid fire.We watched a movie Hannah wouldn’t approve of, but she loved it. See you soon. Make sure you wake me!
I set my phone face down on the couch and snuggled into the cushions, opening my book back up to take in the romance.
Chapter Twelve