Page 42 of That Right Moment
“Maddy has been there for you for a long time now, but we all saw how she would look at you. Ophelia…” He sighed. I knew full well that he regretted his decision when it came to Ophelia. For Clay, she was the one who got away. “We would see the way she would look at you once you two became friends. Even though you two acted like just friends, there was always something more there.”
“Would have been nice if you let us know that.”
“I tried to, remember? I would tell you she would ask about you, that I swore there was something going on, but after a while, you were just stuck. You wouldn’t take that extra step. And then you met Hannah…”
I groaned, cutting him off. “Let’s not mention that fiasco.”
“It wasn’t a fiasco until the end, and who was your most supportive friend?” I didn’t even have to answer. “In my mind, you and Madeline were always meant to end up together. You two just didn't see it that way.”
“But…” I asked, trying to let the vulnerability out. Clay had seen me at my worst and watched as I got better. Before Madeline, he was my live-in therapist, and even now, I knew I could tell him everything. “What if taking that extra step ruins us?”
Clay chuckled. “The way you and Madeline are, it wouldn’t. It’s either going to amplify the relationship and it’s going to become so much more, or it will become a time you two joke about. Just like that first kiss.”
I grinned at the memory of her fingers in my hair and the taste of her lips on mine. “I don’t think we count that as our first kiss anymore.”
“Oh, good,” Clay said, exasperated. “You learned how to kiss. Glad to hear it.”
“Gee thanks, Clay.”
“Anytime, man.” He yawned. “Any more riveting news? I need to catch some more sleep.”
“No, no more news. You think we should date then, huh?”
“Honestly, I think you should skip the dating and just get married.” He yawned again, this time louder. “Night, Milo.”
“Night, Clay.” I hung up the phone and threw it on my coffee table, falling back onto the couch.
Just get married.
Did I really want to get married again?
Maybe not so soon, but when it came to Madeline…
Maybe that would come sooner than I thought.
The day in the ambulance went by quickly, thankfully. I had hardly slept the night before, and my partner for the day, Ryan, was just as tired. At times like this, I missed Elliot. He had gone off to work at his dad’s business, all but leaving the world of being a paramedic behind. Thankfully, we had stayed friends, but he was in a different circle. He didn’t know Madeline or Clay. He only knew of them. The few texts between us kept us up to date with each other, but he knew better than to text me on days where I was driving the ambulance.
Ryan though…Ryan didn’t talk much today. Mainly, if we weren't driving and actually working, we were resting our eyes against the seats. I didn't bother to ask what Ryan had been up to the following day. I didn't know him well enough.
Finally, I got fed up with my inner thoughts, mainly focusing around Madeline, and pulled out my phone to text her. It was close to her lunch time…maybe she would see it.
I could text her the normal things. How’s work or I’m tired and hungry and miss Elliot, or Clay mentioned Ophelia last night and then stumbled all over his words… but I didn’t want to cloud the night we had. We had an incredible date and an incredible kiss…she invited me in to do…everything. I couldn’t just text her a mundane message. I refused to let us fall back into our normal routine.
I looked at her contact photo; bright and cheery, holding a bundle of lilies she had found at a farmer’s market last summer. That photo always made me smile. Her large hat and goofy grin, the flowers near her face. That photo embodied Madeline.
I swallowed and typed out a message.
Milo: I should have gone inside last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I can’t wait to see you again.
I locked my phone screen before I had a chance to regret my decision in sending such a bold, and albeit, out of character text. I put my phone down, not expecting a reply, but even as the thought entered my head, my phone buzzed, sending the chills through my fingertips.
Madeline: I couldn’t stop thinking of you either. Call me when you’re off work.
“Well, you’re ogling your phone.” Ryan’s voice made me jump. “New girlfriend?”
I chuckled and looked at my phone again. “I think so.” I grinned.