Page 45 of That Right Moment
During dinner we talked, sitting closer together than I thought we’d ever sat, our legs touching and his hand always finding my knee. We talked about his day and how it was call after call; not even a second to think. We talked about my patient load and how it was getting even crazier—overwhelming at times. We talked about Holly, and how Holly was excited to go back to school once the fall came and how she was smarter than we ever thought—even though the eight-year-old personality popped in from time to time.
We talked about each other, and what we wanted. All the doubts and fears were put on the table, and we both agreed to take things slow—as Milo had said, do this right.
“Dating you is going to be different,” I admitted, finally sprawled out on the couch, my legs draped over his lap. This was a position we had been in numerous times, but he never held my legs the way he was now, and his eyes were never focused and heavy on me before. Even though it was a little familiar, it was completely new. “I already know you more than anyone. There’s nothing to find out or ask you.”
Milo drew in his breath and rubbed my calf. “I think that’s what's going to make it exciting.” He lifted one eyebrow and gave me a crooked grin. “There’s things we don't know yet.”
“We’re taking it slow, remember?” I pursed my lips.
He chuckled, a little sweet laugh that had grown under my skin. “I know, I know, but there are going to be times when we find something new about one another. I think I have a few surprises up my sleeve.”
“Oh, yeah?” I lifted my legs and sat up, sitting closer to him and giving him a stare. “Like what?”
“Well, for one, Milo is my middle name, not my first.”
I dropped my jaw. “What?” I sat back on the arm of the couch, not believing a word that just came out of his mouth. “I was at your wedding with Hannah. I’m pretty sure the priest called you Milo, and I’ve used your debit cards and they all say Milo.”
“My debit cards have my first initial, so you’ve never looked close enough.” His smile grew. He was enjoying this a little too much. “I’ve gone by Milo ever since I was a baby. Nobody, not even my parents, calls me by my first name. Well, my dad will…” He laughed, reaching for my legs again.
“Okay, then what is it?”
He shook his head quickly, his eyes narrowing and a tug at his lips as his face twisted to a grin.
“I’ve known you for twelve years,MiloHarris, and I’m a little angry I don’t know yourrealfirst name.” I folded my arms, keeping my legs just in his arms reach. “Tell me, or I won’t be cooking you dinner again.”
Milo shrugs. “Eh, that’s okay. It wasn’t that good anyway…” He pushed my legs from his lap and stood, startingto walk away.
My jaw dropped even lower. The room was so thick with his sarcasm you could cut it with a knife. “‘Blank First Name’ Milo Harris.” I leaned forward and grabbed his arm, pulling him down to the couch until he was basically on top of me.
Milo's laugh was contagious. His smile was radiating as the small wrinkles in the corners of his eyes got a little longer, his eyes shut tight as he laughed, his head leaning toward my body, almost to where I could set my chin on the top of it. I blushed, honestly happy he couldn’t see. I wished I could bottle up that laugh and keep it forever. He finally sighed and opened his eyes to look at me, catching me taking in every inch of his face. His eyes, which had seemed to surprise me more and more over the last few days, were full of more happiness than I’ve ever seen. I reached up and lightly brushed his bottom lip with my thumb, keeping my eyes locked on his.
Milo shook his head, and his smile turned into a grin, tilting his head just enough that my thumb fell from him. “It’s James, but, please…no one calls me James.”
“James Milo Harris.” I took his face in my hands, gently playing with the hairs resting over his ears. “I’ll only call you that when I’m really…really mad at you.”
He gave me a soft laugh and then gently pressed his lips against mine. Flutters returned to my entire body with just one simple kiss.
“Okay,” he agreed. “Only when you’re really, really…really…mad.” Leaning down, he kissed me again, and my entire body melted into him.
Gah, this man. I didn’t know how we went from best friends to—dare I say—falling in love in a matter of weeks, yet here we were. I could feel myself falling farther and farther with each touch, each laugh, and each kiss. I breathed him in, kissing him back, allowing myself to feel him in ways I didn’t think would ever happen.
I wasn’t sure how, but the man convinced me to watch the newest Marvel show on Disney Plus. I sat in confusion as Owen Wilson drove some girl around in the middle of a storm while Milo was glued to the screen, trying to tell me why Mobius needed a Jet Ski. I wasn’t interested in the show. I was just happy and content to be nestled in his arms.
Eventually, the episode ended. We cleaned the mess from dinner, and then he kissed me goodbye as Niko and I left his apartment. The feel of his lips lingering on mine as I drove home. The memory of our conversation floating in my mind.I want you…I want to try.
I trudged into my empty house, Niko dashing to his toy bear, shaking it violently in the air. Locking the door behind me, I made my way into the kitchen, dropping my bag on my island and getting a glass of water. Normal life kept going, even when Milo was no longer my best friend. What were we even? Was he my boyfriend? Did we need to even label it?
I grinned at the thought.
I grabbed my bag, pulling my book sleeve from it and my phone, then calling for Niko to follow as we headed into my bedroom. I dumped my belongings on my bed, Niko curled up with his bear on his claimed side of my queen mattress and went to change and ready myself for the night.
Brushed, flossed, and Waterpiked teeth, PJs, and my hair in a bun, I climbed into bed. I grabbed my book and phone as I flopped the covers over my legs. I unlocked my phone screen one last time, meaning to just check the time, when I saw a text. From Milo…
Milo: You missed the best episode. Mobius didn’t get his jet ski though. Maybe he will in season two.
I shook my head and laughed. He didn’t really think I watched the show, did he? I asked just that, only to get a response mere seconds later.
Milo: It’s a good show. I guess we gotta start from the beginning. MCU Movie Fest? Chronological or by release date?