Page 51 of That Right Moment
“It’s July. School doesn't start yet, so how about we cross that bridge when we get to it. Besides”—I turned down Hannah’s street—“she’s already on the emergency pick up list.”
“What if Don asks who I saw while I was at your house?”
“Does he normally ask who you saw?”
“Well….no.” she grumbled. “But Aunt Maddy was over almost every day…”
“Holly.” I stopped in front of Hannah’s house and pivoted in my seat to look at my daughter. “I will tell Mommy when I am ready to tell Mommy. Remember what we talked about? How it’s still new, and even Aunt Maddy and I don’t know what is really going to happen but either way, she will be in your life?” Holly nodded, not breaking the intense eye contact she had with me. “I don’t want Mommy thinking that you’re going to get hurt, because you’re not. No way, no how. So… I will…”
“Tell Mommy when you’re ready. Got it. I won’t say a thing.” She gave me a smile and stuck out her pinky. I chuckled, loving that fact that this generation still did pinky promises.
“I love you, Holly. You’ll always be my number one girl.”
“Love you too, Daddy.”
I locked our pinkies together and winked at her. Holly bolted out the door, running up to Hannah and giving her a big hug. Holly screamed goodbye, and into the house she went. I watched them from the cab and waved to Hannah through the passenger window. She didn't wave back, but instead gently placing her hand on her pregnant belly, she walked toward the truck. I rolled the window down and furrowed my brow.
“Do you have any plans right now?”
Just seeing Madeline…
“Not really,” I answered.
“Can we go get a coffee and…talk?” Hannah’s voice was soft, a shaking in her tone and a nervous underlay.
I glanced at my dash and looked at the time.
“Donald’s home, and he's aware we need to have a discussion.”
“Yeah,” I mumbled, “We can talk.”
Hannah popped open the passenger door and hoisted herself in the truck. When we were married, we drove a small Toyota. She had always told me she didn’t want to climb in the car. She kept the car in the divorce, and I instantly purchased my Chevy truck. With a groan, she slammed my door shut and pivoted to look at me.
“Donald got a job,” she began before I could pop the truck in drive.
“Oh, well.” I slammed my foot on the brake and grab the shifter. “I didn’t know he was unemployed.”
“No, he…” she stumbled, “he got a promotion. Chief of Surgery.”
“Phenomenal,” I said blankly.
“Milo, it’s in Seattle.”
I dropped my hand from the gear shift and stared at the steering wheel. Did she just say Seattle?
“Seattle?” I repeated, “as in…Washington?” I turned my head toward her, seeing her solemn expression for the first time.
Hannah nodded, a quick little head wiggle. She was nervous. She was anxious…I knew her well enough to know her quirks, and a fast nod was one of them. There was no getting coffee, there was no discussion in private. She wanted this over and done with, and that was why she dropped this bomb on me here in my truck.
“When, um…” I coughed. “When does he start?”
“He’s been working remotely, but the plan is to get him in the hospital as soon as possible. We are hoping to move up there before school starts so Holly has time to get adjusted, and we can find a good day care for Roger and…”
“You’re all moving?”
“Well, yeah. What did you expect?”
My daughter to grow up here…close to me…not a road trip away.