Page 57 of That Right Moment
Richard’s jaw dropped. “You’re dating one of her friends?”
I shook my head rapidly. “No…no…no.” I waved my hands in front of me and leaned to the edge of my seat. “She was a bridesmaid because she was my best friend, and Hannah didn’t want her running the bachelor party. So Madeline ended up a bridesmaid.”
Richard’s expression eased. “Oh, good. If you were dating one of her friends, that would not be good.”
I couldn’t count how many times I’d rolled my eyes in the past week on my hands. I needed a few people to count with me.
“It doesn't matter.” I rubbed my eyes. “It’s not going to change anything, right?”
Richard scoffed. “It shouldn’t. I don't know Hannah, but it seems by how straightforward your divorce went, the mediations should go just as smooth, and that's what I’m expecting. Let me ask, what’s your goal in this?”
“I want Holly to live with me during the school year. She’s close to family and her friends, and she knows Portland. During the summers and some holidays, she can go to Hannah’s in Seattle, but…” I trailed off.
“Full custody.”
I bit my bottom lip and nodded slowly. I didn’t like the sound offull custodybecause Hannah was a great mother, but I was a great father, too. I loved Holly more than anything in the world, and if it came down to a simple term, thenfull custodyit was.
“Yeah, I guess,” I mumbled, looking down at my shoes.
“Well, I can tell you this, it’s harder for dads to get full custody, but I will stand by your side and try my best to get you what you want.” Richard placed his arms on his desk in front of him, lacing his fingers. He looked very regal, very professional, and I believed him. “I think you have a case here, and I honestly feel we could win this.”
I nodded again, the nerves floating back up into my stomach. He kept saying “win this” as if he knew it was going to have to go before a judge. I sighed and closed my eyes. I wished Madeline were here in this room with me. I wished she was holding my hand and guiding me through this daunting process. I wished I’d never agreed to a pause.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Ophelia: 6 weeks and counting! The show is coming up faster than I expected!
Ophelia’s text message lit up my screen. Ever since Milo left Monday afternoon, my brain had been in a complete haze. I knew we were friends—nothing has changed there— but I wanted to hear his voice and make sure he was still doing okay. Those three little words he confessed hadn’t left my mind. They floated through every minute, of every day and my nerves followed them. I was trying to give him the space he needed to handle everything, and I chuckled as I saw Ophelia’s message, happy for the distraction.
Madeline: I need you to send me your flight info again. Please and thank you!
The three small dots danced on my screen and then stopped. Less than a second later, her photo appeared. Text may be one distraction, but FaceTime was an even better one.
“Hey…a text would’ve worked.” I smiled, answering the FaceTime call.
“Well, yes, but then I’d miss the chance to see your face. I gotta tell you my schedule while I’m there. I’m going to be in and out a lot, and I wanted to make sure you were coming to my show.”
“Of course I’m coming to the show. I’m pretty sure you’re going to put me to work.” I propped my phone on my book and sat at the island chair.
“Well, that’s true…” she mumbled.
“I just need you to remind me on the day so I can tell Milo.” I chuckled.
“Oh.” Ophelia tilted her head, her brown eyes heavy on the screen. “I didn’t think he would want to come.”
“Well, I haven't asked him. But you know he would support you. I mentioned planning a vacation with Holly, and I just need to make sure the days don’t overlap.”
“A vacation with Milo and Holly.” Ophelia grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. “I didn’t know things were moving that fast with you and Milo.”
“They aren’t, but...” I bit my cheek, stopping myself from telling her he said ‘I love you’ already. I didn’t know if I could handle that conversation right now. “You know he would come and support you.”
Ophelia scrunched her nose and gave a cheeky grin. She was one worth supporting in any way.
“That’s sweet of him, but he always, most likely, supported me simply because of you, especially after…” She took a deep breath. I raised my eyebrows and waited for her to say Clay’s name. That was a topic we never brought up, and if one of us mentioned his name—just by accident—in passing, we pretended like we didn’t know who Clay was. “Anyway, my schedule…and I’m wondering if I can ship some boxes to your house. That way I don’t have to put them on the flight with me.”
“Of course, what are you going to send here and when? I just need to make sure I will be home.”