Page 79 of That Right Moment
Apartment searching was harder than I thought it would be. Things were available, but they were either extremely overpriced or on the dangerous side of town. I drove around more until I saw a few houses for sale, all within a reasonable price. Clay had offered his home for as long as we need … if Holly and Madeline could wait for a house, then I could wait too.
But then again, this was a last resort.
I didn’t want to make any final plans, even though I felt like I had to.
Clay’s apartment was empty when I finally arrived back, the interior making it seem darker than normal. I turned on all the lights, hoping to brighten the place up as best I could. I opened the fridge to find very little food, but enough that I could eat dinner. How Clay managed this single lifestyle was beyond me. He worked a lot and made more money than he knew what to do with, obviously, but he must get lonely sometimes. He mentioned a housecleaner. Maybe she was his friend—and he had girlfriends. He was just—alone.
I didn’t like the feeling of being alone.
Even when Holly was with Hannah, I wasn’t totally alone. Madeline was close, and Elliot would make an appearance when he wasn’t busy. My apartment wasn’t pristine and dark. It was warm and felt like home. Clay’s apartment felt…cold.
After eating and doing the dishes—still by myself—I settled on the couch, pulling out my phone to call Holly, saying a quick goodnight. She was tired and worn from a day at a birthday party but assured me she got in some reading before bed. She had moved on to anotherMagic Tree Housenovel and suddenly needed to watch the movieTitanic.
“Maybe when you’re a bit older.”
“It was a real ship, Dad. Mom said a lot of people died and that the ship is slowly falling apart in the ocean and that it will be gone in ten years or less!” Holly was talking extremely fast, adding tidbits she had learned from the book.
“Do Jack and Annie get off the Titanic?” I asked, curious enough to keep her talking.
“There’s more books after this one, so…duh. Can we watch the movie this weekend?”
“No.” I heard Hannah in the background, tempting me to say yes.
I shook my head. “Again, when you’re older. You need to get to bed, Holly. Uncle Clay should be here soon, so I need to get going as well.”
“Okay, Daddy. When will you be home?”
“In time to get you for the week. Okay? No worries there,” I assured her. “Good night, Holly. I love you.”
“Love you too, Daddy.”
I lowered my phone, watching Holly’s photo vanish as the screen turned black, only to light back up again with a text from Clay:Don’t wait up for me, man. I’m meeting up with Rebecca. See you in the morning!
I replied with a thumbs up, locking my screen to head to the guest bedroom. I changed, plugged in my phone and climbed into the bed. It felt cold without Madeline next to me, a feeling I had gotten all but used to. I heaved a sigh and looked over at my phone. She said she would talk to me when I got back…but I wanted to hear her voice so bad. I wanted to know she was still there. I wanted to apologize and drive home. I just needed her.
I resisted the temptation to grab my phone, turned on my side and closed my eyes, sleep far from happening.
Chapter Thirty-Four
I’d never seen Ophelia run so fast in her entire life. Her arms were open, and her bag was swinging from her shoulder as she plummeted into me, her arms wrapping around my neck as she squeezed me tight. It was one of those big bear hugs where you never want to let the other go, rocking back and forth, nothing but pure joy as you held on.
Ophelia’s hair was straightened, slight waves rolling down her shoulders, her gold earrings catching against the small ringlets that refused to be tamed. Ophelia let me go first, holding me at arm’s length, her smile beaming as she seemed to take me in, studying me for anything that may look different than on FaceTime.
“You’re here,” she smiled.
“Where did you expect me to be?” I gave her another hug, holding it for just a moment longer than I intended. “Come on, Niko is in the car, and he’s fluffy and probably very angry. Do you need to wait for a bag?” I pulled away and linked my arm with hers.
She shook her head. “Nope. I thought ahead and shipped everything. Please tell me all my boxes made it to your house?”
“All eighteen of them. They are all in the guest bedroom. Your bed is surrounded by a wall of boxes.” I nudged her with my hips.
Ophelia laughed, still as contagious as the first day I met her. “Oh, good. It will be like I never left New York.”A sarcastic tone filled the air.
“You do not live in a house filled with boxes.”
“I did, and then I sent them to you. Now, where’s the pup?” Ophelia unlinked her arm from mine and began to dash out of the airport. I chuckled and followed her, finally happy she was here and that we didn’t have to think about time zones separating us.