Page 17 of That First Moment
“You’re gorgeous by the way, your photo doesn’t do you justice.” Rick smiled and, being the dental assistant I was, I instantly looked at his crooked smile. Nothing was wrong with crooked teeth—but when they were stained yellow, there was definitely something wrong.
“I’m sorry, Rick, was it? I’m here with my boyfriend and he’ll be back any moment, so I really suggest you leave his chair, now.”
“Does your boyfriend know you're on Tinder?”
“I’m not on Tinder.”
“Oh, but you are. We’ve been messaging all week. You work as a dental assistant and they call you the Octopus because you do everything in the office. You like to paint, and you have a family vacation coming up.”
Shit.Why did he have to ask so many questions about me? All I really knew was that he owns a restaurant—which I was now questioning—and that he liked dogs and played football—which I was also questioning.
I tried to hide any giveaway on my face and pinched my brow.
“Listen, Rick, my boyfriend is on that stage, and he’s going to join me for a drink after he’s done. Maybethenyou’ll believe that I’m not on Tinder.I don't work as a dental assistant—teeth are gross—I don’t paint, I’m not going on any kind of vacation, and I’d really appreciate it if you left me alone.”
I hoped I sounded convincing. He narrowed his eyes at me, but lifted the corner of his mouth to a smile.
“It’s because I look so different, huh? Truth be told, that's my brother in the photo. We have the same tattoo. I used to have a profile but I never got any matches.”
Huh . . . I can see why . . .
“But the moment I made a new one with his photo, I had multiple matches.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. For the last time, I’ve never used Tinder.”
Rick winked at me and waved the bartender down, “Sure you haven’t. It’s okay. I won’t tell your ‘boyfriend’ you have a dating app on the side.”
“I do not—”
“Is this man bothering you?” Elliot—my knight in shining armor—appeared at my side, his guitar slung on his back, sweat beads dropping from his hairline. Gorgeous as ever. He placed his arm around me and focused his eyes on Rick. I looked at him, hoping my face didn’t show complete shock. I didn’t even hear the music stop.
I blinked . . . snapping out of the trance I had found myself in. I leaned into him, placing my hand on his chest.Relax . . .I reminded myself.
“See, Rick, I told you my boyfriend was on the stage. Now, if you could please leave me alone.”
Elliot didn’t say anything. He just raised his eyebrows at Rick and pulled me closer to his body. My grip tightened on his shirt.
Rick looked from me to Elliot, his eyes narrowed. He groaned and stood, giving Elliot one more look over.
“I hope you know your girlfriend is on Tinder.” Rick gave me one final wink and turned to head down the bar. Elliot stepped behind me, forcing me to turn around to look at him, my back to Rick.
“Thank you,” I said breathlessly.
“You’re on Tinder?” Elliot asked, his eyes locking with mine—the look on his face turning to pure lust. He kept his smile on hislips and his hand on my shoulder, pushing my hair over my shoulder, letting his fingers linger a little longer.
“Um . . . maybe. Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
“Because your date is still watching us and, apparently, I’m your boyfriend.” He bit his bottom lip.
“Thank you again, I know that wasn’t exactly what you wanted to come over here for.” I shifted in my seat and scooted a little closer to him. If Rick really was still watching, I had to play it off too.
What's with me and fake boyfriends?I was definitely way in over my head here.
“Not really, I honestly was going to ask why you ghosted me for five months, but now I need to know the story here. After I go talk to the agent, okay.”
“An agent?” I widened my eyes.
Elliot gave a small nod. “Yea, can you believe someone may be interested in us?” He leaned in and kissed my forehead, only to step back, leaving his hand on my neck for longer than he should have. “I’ll be right back; can you order me a beer?”