Page 55 of That First Moment
“Miss,” the attendant said, his arm held out to me.
I turned to Elliot, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before I jumped on my tube and was pushed down the hill. The air hit my face, my hair flapping against my shoulders. I caught some air over a jump and then the tube went up and started to slow down. Theentire ride lasted twenty to thirty seconds tops, but I loved it. I cheered as I stood, raising my arms to the sky. I could feel my heart—myheart—pumping. Taking a deep breath, I turned to watch as Elliot’s tube came barreling down the hill, his scream only getting louder. He met me at the bottom, his hair all out of sorts and his scruff covered with a light dusting of snow.
He stood, fumbled slightly, and then gave me a massive smile.
“Okay . . . we’re doing that a million more times.”
I laughed, grabbing his hand and my tube as we raced towards the lift again.
Chapter Twenty-One
After flying down the hill fifteen times, I gave in. As much fun as it was—especially the ride where Jamie and I went down together, holding onto each other for dear life once the tube caught some air—I needed sustenance. Jamie danced her way to the tubing hill, promising me, after one more run, she’d meet me inside.
“I’ll be the one with the hot chocolate,” I responded, heading inside with Jillian.
The kids, along with Janet and Mr. Gaines (I still wasn’t allowed to call him Howardjustyet), had claimed a large table in the middle of the crowded room. Jillian wrapped her arms around her twins and asked what they wanted from the grill, then she followedme to the register.
I ordered some French fries, and two hot chocolates, shoving my frozen hands into my coat pockets while we waited. I had gloves but damn, they were useless.
“What do you think?” Jillian asked me, leaving against the counter.
“Of?” I responded, dumbfounded.
She laughed. “The place, and Jamie. It’s amazing that Jamie can still have all this energy, isn’t it?”
I furrowed my brow. “What do you mean? She’s always high energy.”
Tilting her head, she hummed. Shifting her gaze to the grill behind us she softly added, “She likes to pretend nothing is wrong you know, I’m sure you’ve noticed it. With her health . . . it still shocks me that she would exert herself like this.”
I didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure how. Her health? I had known Jamie for a while now and she always seemed full of life, healthy—all the time. She worked every day, loving her job and seeing her friends at night. During Milo’s Wedding she was a burst of energy, excited for everyone, even that night. That kiss.
Jillian noticed my silence, turning her head to me, her eyes wider. “She hasn’t told you, has she?”
“Told me what?” My voice was low. My brain began to go over every health condition in the book that would make one's family nervous about them tubing down a hill. When Jillian didn’t respond, only sighing, and turning back to the grill once her name was called, I dug into my snow pants for my phone. Jacob was the one person who came to my mind. He would be able to tell me all kinds of things WebMD wouldn’t be able to.
“Hey!” Jamie’s voice made me jump as she appeared by my side, the smile and look of purejoyon her face took the fear that she may be sick completely away. She was so happy, soalive.“Where’s my hot chocolate?”
Stuffing my phone back into my pocket, I wrapped my arm around her waist, and gently pressed her into me, kissing her forehead. If something really was wrong, all I had to do was ask,and if she trusted me enough . . . she would tell me. She lifted her chin to me, her eyes narrow as her lips tightened into a smile.
“Hot chocolate?” she asked again.
“E. Daxton,” came a shout from the grill.
“Right there. Fries and Hot Chocolate.” I let her go to grab the food, instantly coming right back to her and handing her the paper cup.
Her shoulders danced as she lifted it to her lips and took a small sip. “You know, I love coming on this trip, but I think Woodward day is my favorite day.”
“I can see why,” I led her back to the table where everyone sat, taking the seat next to her as she removed her gloves and hat to pop a French fry in her mouth.
“So, where’s the party moving to tonight?” Janet asked once we were all seated.
“Oh, it doesn’t stop with Woodward?” I draped my arms around Jamie’s chair, a position I’ve grown accustomed to since the first dinner.
Jamie shook her head.
“Oh, hell no,” Holden answered. “Siblings and Spouse Night.”