Page 7 of That First Moment
His jaw dropped slightly, and his eyebrows pinched. I couldn’t tell if he wanted to laugh at me or tell me I was right and that he currently had a girl in the back waiting for him.
Finally, he let out a laugh and shook his head, while his eyes studied me. He smiled as he held my eye contact only to drop his gaze to my lips. He raked his bottom lip with his teeth and turned away. The tension that was radiating off this man could be cut with a knife. “With running an architecture firm and being the lead singer of a band, I don’t have a lot of time for ‘mic bunnies.’”
“Friends though? Do you have time for friends?”
I could hear the gears in his head turning, then when it clicked, he nodded slowly. “Friends. I always have time for friends.”
Sticking to our one drink rule, Elliot and I made them last, and I kept thinking about how much I was thoroughly enjoying his company. Not once did he make a move on me or try to push anything other than friendship. Getting to know one another—that's all this was. The tension eased as we talked. Laughs and stories were shared, and Elliot was…growing on me. When I felt those flutters, I had to stop myself. Friend-zone. Stay in the friend-zone.
Elliot paid our tab and placed his hand on my elbow, leading me through the crowd and out to his Jeep. He opened the door for me, going through the same motions as before, and walked around the back of the Jeep. Once the Jeep was on and my address was in his GPS, he drove off.
He was more relaxed in the seat this time, a slouch to his posture and his free hand animated as he kept talking. I felt calm watching him, not even really paying attention to what he was saying, just listening to his voice. His singing voice was one thing, but his regular voice was just as enchanting. I watched as his fingers gripped the steering wheel, wondering how his calloused fingertips would feel against my chin. Or how his lips, that have sung so many lyrics up against the microphone, would feel on mine. I licked my lips and looked out my window.
What were these thoughts? Where the hell were they coming from?
I took a deep breath and exhaled through my lips.
It was just the alcohol talking at this point . . .
This is why I was a one-and-done kinda girl . . .
He stopped the Jeep, turning it off as he pulled up to my complex. “Here, I’ll walk you up.” He unbuckled and hopped out of the Jeep, walking in front of the hood to open my door.
“You don’t have to. It’s literally right there.” I pointed to my front door. Being on the bottom floor had perks.
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t walk you to your door.” He furrowed his brow and waited for me to step out of the Jeep. I draped my hoodie over my shoulders and grabbed my bag, taking the steps towards my apartment door, with Elliot right next to me.
Fifteen steps, that's all it was. Fifteen, long . . . silent . . . steps.
“Thank you for the ride, Elliot, and the drink. It was great getting to know you tonight—knowing the man behind the microphone.” I smiled as I reached in my bag for my key.
“I had a good time, thank you.”
He pinched his brow and took a step closer to me.
“If uh…if you would allow me to be honest here . . . I’d like to be . . .” he muttered.
I swallowed. “Okay . . .”
“I’m sorry if this is a bit forward but . . . you’ve been on my mind, Jamie. I kept skipping words tonight at the wedding because I noticed you were alone and I just wanted to talk to you, spend time with you and dance with you. Truth of the matter . . . I’ve wanted to kiss you ever since that first night at The Piano Bar.” His voice was soft, barely a whisper as he leaned in towards me.
My stomach jumped and my breath faltered.
“I know we said we would be friends, but I’d really like to kiss you now . . . if you’d let me.”
I raised myself up on my tippy toes and closed the gap between us, my lips crashing into his. He was stunned at first, his lips tense but as soon as his hand found my waist, they relaxed. His tongue slightly separated my lips, deepening this amazing, carefree, whimsical kiss. I ran my hands up his chest and drank him in, feeling his body twitch under my touch. His fingers found my neck, feeling exactly as I thought they would, bringing shivers down my spine. When girls talk about a kiss that changed their life . . . that was this kiss.Elliot’skiss.
Elliot . . . Whittaker’s . . . kiss.
What the hell are you doing Jamie . . .
I gently pulled away, ignoring the nagging voice in my head, and looked up at Elliot. His eyes were heavy and his lips were plump. I was tempted to kiss them again, but instead, I pursed my lips and swallowed. I ran my fingers through his hair briefly and then stepped away.
“Good night, Elliot,” I said softly.
He let out a breath of air. “Good night, Jamie.”
I stepped into my apartment, shutting the door instantly, closing the kiss and Elliot out. I leaned against my door and listened for his Jeep to start, my fingers on my bottom lip as the feeling of Elliot’s lips lingered.