Page 76 of That First Moment
“Madeline is already after me, so can you please stop the cryptic texts?” There was a hint of sarcasm in my tone, and with the way he flinched his eyebrows and took a step towards me I knew he caught it. “My eyes weren’t saying anything.”
“Oh, but they were.”
“What are they saying now?” Our eyes locked. The darkness of his eyes began to search mine, heaviness filling them as he leaned in and kissed me, right there in the middle of the gallery.
I melted as his hands cupped my face, his kiss lingering for only a second longer. The world stopped spinning and the only thing that was in front of me was Elliot.
“They were asking for a kiss,” he finally answered. “And a coffee. Let’s go grab one before we meet your family at the resort, yeah?”
Taking a deep breath, and coming back down to earth, I nodded. “That sounds perfect.”
He wiggled his eyebrows once, a corner of his mouth raising. “Let’s go.”
Walking down to the coffee shop, Elliot’s hand was firm in mine, never once faltering in his grasp. He wasn’t pulling me along, but we walked together. I remembered when he first really, trulytalked to me. He stumbled over his words, and was as stiff as a board. His band mates were joking with him, most likely making it worse, but he wasn’t the same Elliot that was with me now. His knuckles were white as he gripped his steering wheel that first time. Now they were full of confidence as he gripped my palm. Then it hit me. He was nervous all those months ago.
He ordered our coffees while I looked at the books that lined the walls, trying to find one for Madeline. And just as I had focused my mind on something other than Elliot, he appeared next to me, a paper coffee mug extended to me.
“Do you remember when you drove me home from the wedding?” I asked, taking the cup from him.
His shoulders slumped and he let out a small groan. “How about this,” he took a sip of his drink, "I won’t mention you ghosting me for five months if you don’t mention how awkward I was.”
I grabbed a book off the shelf and looked at the cover. “Well, now that I think of it, it was kinda cute.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
I turned the book over to read the blurb. “I mean it got you a kiss at the end of the night, didn’t it? Do you think Madeline would like this book?” I showed him the cover.
“My awkwardness is what made you kiss me?”
I shook my head. “No, but I remember thinking you were stiff because you didn’t want to be there. Like you felt obligated to drive me home maybe . . . and sure, Madeline and Ophelia had told me you were interested in me, but you sure didn’t show it. But now . . . now that I’ve spent time with you, felt your hand in mine, and have seen who, I think, is the real you . . . well, you were nervous. And it was kinda cute.” I looked up at him as I drank from my cup.
“Jamie . . .”
“You turned down those girls and treated me like I was the only girl in the room. Then you told me you wanted to kiss me and I just . . . thought it would be a good idea.” I put the book back on the shelf. “Then I got nervous, and ghosted you. I convinced myself youwere someone completely different than you really are. If I could change that . . .” I gave him a gentle kiss. “I would. I could have been kissing you longer.” I looked over at him, tempted to give him a small kiss. Instead, I turned back to the shelf, grabbing the book once again. “Now . . . this book . . .”
“Jamie . . .” Raising a single eyebrow, Elliot took a drink of his coffee, his eyes on me the entire time. “Your eyes are talking really loud now, Jamie, and yeah . . . I do think Madeline would like that book.” Giving his eyebrows another wiggle, he took a sip of his drink and walked away, leaving me alone by the bookshelf.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Clay: I found a good broker that has handled firms as large as yours before. I know I’m just the numbers guy but…
Clay: I was thinking about flying out to Portland to meet with you. Phe’s coming too.
Clay: She’s actually really excited about this now. I can check in on the law firm too.
Clay: Hey…you.
Clay: Oh Eeellliot.
Me: Can’t a guy go skiing?
Clay: Ha. No.
Me: Well, that’s too damn bad.