Page 93 of That First Moment
The small shop on Main Street offered an array of gifts, from tourist attractions to high end clothes. When Jamie asked where I wanted to go to get a gift, my thought process was that Main Street would offer a better selection than the Wal-Mart on the other side of town. Even though this shop seemed to attract a wide audience, I didn’t think Janet would like a gift basket.
“Well,” Jamie sighed, “what would you get your mother?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Sydney normally takes care of the gift for mom. She’ll bounce ideas off of Jacob and I, and then we give her the cash and sign a card. My mom is simple though. A vase of flowers or a candle would make her smile, especially if it was from me.”
She narrowed her eyes at me, “My mom loves roses, white ones. But she also loves to read, and chocolates. There's a bookstore that way, and it’s connected to the Rocky Mountain ChocolateFactory. Jillian would love the candle set and bath bomb, maybe some bath salts as well. She’s a working mother so she doesn’t get a lot of time to herself. Carrie is a stay at home mom—Holden is mainly held up at the restaurants—and as a married couple, they don’t get a lot of time together. Sure, they’re connected at the hip here, but once the vacation ends, it’s back to being busy, busy, busy. Carrie would probably like something for her and her husband. A date night maybe? Or something specifically for couples. You could offer to take the kids off their hands while they go spend an evening together before it’s back to normal.” She picked up a leather book, turning it over in her hand. “A card with a gift card somewhere on Main, and then just hang out with the kids.”
“That’s all it would take to make Carrie happy?”
Jamie gave me a small hum. “Did that just give you an easy gift idea? You have Carrie, don’t you?”
I chuckled. “No, I don’t have Carrie.”
“That’s a bummer, she would have loved a date night.”
“Who do you have?” I reached out for her hand, and, to my great joy she took it, her fingers sending those zings up my arm, “Do we need to get white roses and a book for your mom?”
“My gift is already done, and I won’t be telling you who I have.” She smirked. “But if chocolates and books are now added to your list, let’s head to Dolly’s.”
She pulled me from the store, and into the snowy street, the storm overhead brewing as the street bustled with people still.
“But before we do that, let’s go see your painting.”
“We already went to go see it before we started shopping.” She laughed. “You’ve seen it a million times.”
“Then seeing it again won’t hurt . . . will it? Come on, let’s go.”
Milo:What’s the set list for Thursday?
Me:A few covers, but mainly ours.
Clay:Thomas Rhett covers?
Me:And others.
Milo:Madeline has completely ruined country music for you, hasn’t she?
Clay:Elliot has the voice for country, I say his band go that route.
Me:Bennett wouldn’t go for that. A few covers for sure, but our sound is what’s getting us noticed. I think we’ll stick with that.
Milo:And what did you get her mom?
Me:A book Jamie helped me pick and a few chocolate bars with an I Love Lucy theme.
Clay:I Love Lucy?
Me:You know the one where she and her friend work in the chocolate factory – here I’ll send a picture.
Clay:No no… I can picture it.
Milo:Well, I want to see. SEND IT.
“Who the hell are you talking to?” Jamie leaned her head back on my shoulder as we sat on the couch together. “Thatwhoopnoise is happening way too fast.”
“Milo and Clay.”
“I love that you guys have a group chat.”