Page 18 of Dark Bastard
Lazarus shook his head, hearing the words Sam couldn’t say out loud anymore, and it was his turn to grab his shoulder, leaning forward until their foreheads touched. It amazed Sam that he’d found men he could count on and they were his brothers. It messed with his mind how impossible he thought it would be, but he was grateful.
“Hang in there. I’ll find a way to get you and Ellie out. I won’t let you down, Sam. I promise. Just make sure Finch doesn’t get in your head. Keep it together and keep Ellie safe.”
Sam nodded, believing his brother, but not knowing if there was still enough of his soul to survive this at all.
Chapter Eleven
Sam watchedthe city landscape lighten under the soft sunrise as the car drove from the suburbs of Chicago to the posh side of the city. Sam wasn’t surprised that Jamieson Finch liked his comforts, and the high-end neighborhood of Kenilworth was an obvious choice. It was also less than 15 miles from downtown Chicago. On the other hand, one question pinged in his mind: how could Finch afford the place. Recently, his sons had worked hard to cut off every possible source of money and power from the man. They’d heard Finch had sold his assets, but there were so many, maybe they’d missed some. Or maybe it was owned by friends who’d offered him a place to stay.
“I see your mind is hard at work, my son.”
Sam had blocked the fact Finch was sitting beside him in the back of the car. Once Lazarus had left, Sam demanded to see Ellie and discovered she wasn’t there. She’d been sent to the place where they’d be living together like a mad, dysfunctional family. No way he would reveal what he truly thought.
“I’m wondering if you told me the truth. If Ellie really is all right.”
Finch looked at his phone, unbothered. “Apart from her injuries from the explosion, she’s fine. I’ve locked her in your quarters until we arrive so you can explain the situation to her.”
A tiny bit of him relaxed at the knowledge they wouldn’t be separated. “And what is the situation... Father?” The word tasted foul in his mouth.
“Very simple in fact. I expect you to spend time with me, and for you and Ellie to remain here at all times. You try to escape, you die. But don’t worry, you’ll have enough space not to feel stifled.”
The car turned through an open gate, and after noticing guards roaming the grounds, Sam saw an immense house before them. The beautifully classic structure made of gray stone stood like a castle in a winter wonderland. Or the dungeon from a bad fairytale.
Many more questions were raised, but they’d have to wait as the car stopped and a man opened his door.
As discreetly as possible, Sam took inventory of the guards he could see, the cameras, and the tall wall surrounding the vast terrain. There weren’t enough trees for cover, and he wouldn’t be surprised if security wasn’t upped with laser and thermal cameras.
Finch climbed the stairs where a man was waiting for them. Solemn and dressed in a well-cut suit, it was clear that this man’s loyalty was solely to Finch.
“This is Panem. If you need anything, just ask. You’re not to talk to anybody else. I hope that’s clear.”
Sam only nodded at the servant who was obviously a weasel in a dark suit, and yet another watchdog they’d need to be aware of.
Finch clapped his shoulder. “We’ll see each other at dinner. Go to Ellie and see that I wasn’t lying. We’ll speak more later.”
Phone in his hand, Finch disappeared inside.
“Sir, if you could follow me.”
Sam entered, leaving the cold behind for the warmth of the entrance hall. Everything gleamed in sickening luxury.
Panem led the way into the house, following a maze of hallways and rooms. Sam easily memorized them for later use, but the more he walked, the more he wanted to reach Ellie.
“You have the blue suite on the west wing for your personal use. Dinner is at eight and you need to dress properly. Mr. Finch requires it. In fact, every time you work with Mr. Finch, you should wear a suit. You will find your room properly furnished with everything you need, but if anything is missing, simply press one on the touchpad near the door.”
Sam didn’t answer when Panem opened the door and walked inside.
It led to a vast living room, cozier more than grand, but still bigger than what would be found in a usual apartment. The windows opened to the back of the house, showcasing a vast expanse of snow surrounded by a tall wall and the occasional guard making his rounds. Without another word, his father’s spy disappeared as he continued exploring.
A sliding door on the left went to a bathroom, and the only remaining door was on the right. Sam had his hand on the doorknob before he realized it.
The curtains were drawn, but with the light shining behind him, he could see Ellie huddled in a tight ball on the large bed.
“Ellie!” When he touched her arm, she shivered violently. “Ellie, it’s Sam. Please open your eyes and tell me you’re okay.”
It took a moment before she finally obeyed his request and turned to look at him. Her big blue eyes wide, she seemed to finally recognize him, a sob escaping her lips before she crawled to him. She felt so small in his embrace, but she was alive, and that fact alone brought him the first sense of peace in a long time.
In the half-second before she buried her face in his chest, Sam saw the scratches and dried blood on her face but decided to indulge a moment more.