Page 31 of Dark Bastard
As the beautiful fairy filled his mind again, his eyes went to the window. The sunlight was dimming a little, which told him that he’d soon be able to leave for the night and return to the only light he’d ever known.
“You’re distracted again, my son. More and more I see your mind wandering to your woman. Be careful, Sam. I don’t have a problem with her warming your bed, but she can’t take your focus from me.”
Sam nodded when all he wanted to do was cringe and deliver a well-placed punch, but that would have to wait. “You have my full attention, Father.”
Finch circled him. “Don’t make the same mistake so many before you have. Don’t let her influence you, even with the pleasures of the flesh. Don’t let someone weaker than you take any of your control. Especially this Ellie McLaren. You should always be careful of women harboring a secret.”
Every muscle in Sam tightened, and he prayed it didn’t show as Finch would see it as a weakness and pounce on it like a hyena. Instead, he waited a few seconds to make sure his voice was steady enough before giving an answer that would satisfy his father. “It’s not as if I talk to her that much. But she doesn’t seem to be hiding any secrets from me.”
Even though he didn’t turn, Sam could feel Finch move and open the liquor cabinet. One thing that had changed was how much his father drank. Sam had hoped that it would get to the point where he’d be drunk enough to let something slip, but it hadn’t happened yet.
When he returned, Finch had a glass in hand and put one beside Sam in an unusual gesture. “I think you’re getting too attached to the woman. I was thinking of offering you more options, but you’re like me. Stubborn, determined, only willing to change your mind if confronted with cold, hard facts.”
Wary, Sam was tempted to take the glass of amber liquor, but again, everything Finch did was a question of tactics and far from being straightforward. Maintaining a clear head was critical. That’s why he had to sound detached, even if he felt anything but.
“I have to admit that I find the girl interesting, and sweet in many ways. I even thought of testing her myself, but I find her too fiery. Also, I don’t like people who dwell on the past as she does.”
Sam turned to his father with a frown, ignoring the taunt to focus on something else he’d said. “Dwelling? What do you mean?”
It was clear by his quick grin Sam had given Finch an opening he’d use to his advantage. “I guess you didn’t do a complete background check on her, but as someone who is of some importance to you, I did my own investigation. It’s tedious work, but I prefer to know who is living under my roof. Did you know she never knew her parents? She was abandoned at birth and never adopted. I know she lied about it, said her parents weren’t able to take care of her, but that’s bullshit. Isn’t that somewhat interesting?”
Even though he knew he shouldn’t answer, Sam’s heart went to Ellie. Even if a part of his life had been hellish, at least he’d had the anchor of his tribe to start him in life, and then the fellowship of the army. He may have felt alone in his pain, but he was never lonely. Not like Ellie must have felt as a child. “It only revealed she was alone. Not much more.”
Finch walked around him as if circling his prey, Sam recognized that as his way of playing with him. “At least she was determined not to end her miserable life and instead chose to study. Dead-end jobs and a miserable life, but there are so many caught in that vortex I wasn’t surprised to see another one. After all, my son is a capable man who’d be a catch for anyone wishing to escape their squalor. But I guess even you would’ve seen that coming.”
Sam had heard enough and with what remained of his control, started shutting down his computer. Finch was pouring himself another glass and Sam hoped he could make a quick exit. A wish that was squashed by a hand on his shoulder keeping him seated, and another pushing the glass he’d ignored toward him. “Sit and drink, my boy.”
Another order he had to follow. As his fingers closed around the glass, Finch’s grip loosened, becoming a caress. Sam swallowed bile when his father kneaded his shoulders, running his fingers through his hair. His body remembered too well where this had led to when he was an innocent, vulnerable boy. It messed with him on a cellular level, scrambling his brain, his memories, his sanity. Only thoughts of Ellie pushed back against it all, preventing him from returning to that dark place he’d fought for so long.
Oblivious, Finch never broke contact. “I found a psychiatric evaluation on your little Ellie, one that was done before she was released from the foster home when she became of age. It’s interesting to be able to pick your way through someone’s brain. Especially her. She was diagnosed as independent and an introvert, but with a strong savior complex. Do you know what that means, son?”
Sam drank that liquor, welcoming the burn.
“It means she chose the perfect line of work don’t you think? Trying to save people, over and over again with each call she took. Until a few weeks ago.”
At last, Finch stepped back, allowing him to relax a little, or was it the liquor? Or maybe his mind was finally disintegrating from all the stress and fatigue.
“Another interesting bit of information was in her file at the call center. Did you know on December thirty, a man called 911 seeking help, wanting to end his life? Your little Ellie kept him on the line while the police tried to track him down. Five hours she stayed with him, pleaded for him to stay alive, and just when she thought she’d saved him, he blew his brains out on the other end of the line. As per her boss’s report, it broke her. She was put on administrative leave and had to report for an evaluation because her boss thought she was suffering from depression or worse. I’m sure you know what that means.”
Sam tensed and this time got to his feet, wanting to run out and hear more at the same time. “What are you saying? Stop talking in riddles and just spit it out.”
“How does it feel to be considered her pet project, my son? Your dear Ellie is more twisted than you think if you believe she likes you only for your good looks. What do you think happened when you called, and she detected your distress? Because I know you had every intention of ending your life. I’d had someone following you for a few days, and their report couldn’t have been clearer. And then you made that call. Don’t look so surprised. Do you think I wasn’t aware of your plans, ready to intervene if need be? But another white knight jumped in and did all the work for me. Ellie McLaren found her own reason to live when she heard your voice. Another person to save and, oh yes, she’d do anything to save you, but does she really love you? If I were in your shoes, I’d have doubts. Kidnapped, in danger, your dear little Ellie certainly needs you to save her, but once you’re both safe and back in the real world, and the risk of you hurting yourself is gone, what will remain? I was curious and what I found confirmed it. She can’t help but save people in distress and once her little stray is all good and well, she just leaves them. She’s beautiful yet alone. Didn’t it ever occur to you that there was something wrong with her? Ellie can only bond with someone she has to save. Don’t you see that?”
Lies, all lies. The man couldn’t help himself and that would only stop when he drew his last breath.
Another gulp of alcohol made Finch sway and retreat, and Sam took the opportunity to leave.
He needed some distance between him and Finch... and everything else.
Sam only realized that he’d stepped outside when the cold made his skin tingle. The air was freezing but he didn’t care. He felt like a caged lion with no escape.
The sun was getting lower, almost completely hidden behind the pine trees, but it was still light enough to know the guards were nearby, looking at him, assessing him.
For the first time in weeks, Sam felt close to the tipping point. He wanted to scream and hit something, but it was the dark void of despair that scared him the most, the one he’d thought would never appear again.
All of him wanted to run to Ellie, but Finch had planted a seed, a poisonous one that had taken root, and Sam didn’t know if he’d ever be able to pull it out.
Chapter Twenty-One