Page 37 of Dark Bastard
Soon, another man appeared, different in appearance, but who was a similar build to Sam. Another brother, maybe Liam or Archer.
Less than a minute later, blue and red lights brightened the night with sirens blaring, but Ellie couldn’t take her eyes from the mansion, praying Sam would walk out unharmed.
Officers swarmed the area. Someone ran out of the house, and Ellie held her breath. Unfortunately, the man who came out had short black hair, and was clean-shaven. He had the same build as the others so she guessed it was another brother. Now with four of the brothers outside, two remained inside, in harm’s way.
There seemed to be a battle of wills between the brothers and the brass that simmered until Aleksei lost his control and was held back by Kai and the black-haired one.
How long had it been since she’d been forced out of the mansion and Sam had gone down to the basement? Her eyes scanned every corner, every window, every potential shadow for movement, until darkness turned to light.
It was blinding, and strangely beautiful, until a reverberation shook the car and the noise deafened everything else. Maybe Ellie shouted, but all the sounds blended together until darkness fell again.
With colored dots dancing in front of her eyes, Ellie couldn’t move or look away from the flames now engulfing the structure and debris falling following the explosion. The stunned crowd started moving, drawn to the left. She heard a man shouting a name, and Ellie turned her head to see Sam and Lazarus running from a side gate. Both men seemed unharmed.
A heavy weight vanished from her chest. Sam was safe. He wasn’t hers, but at least he was alive.
Her energy dissolved as she sat in the car. People swarmed all around her like bees, but nothing mattered now. Not even when the police came to speak to her, not when EMTs probed and checked every inch of her, and not even when Lazarus came to sit by her side on the back of the ambulance.
“Are you okay?”
Ellie managed to give the somber man a smile. “Yeah. I’m alive, you’re alive, so are all of your brothers. I think it’s a good day. I should be the one asking you how you’re feeling.”
Lazarus leaned back and shrugged. “I guess my ears will be ringing for a while, but if it’s the only side effect, I’m happy to endure it.”
“And what about Finch? Did you get him? And all that data you wanted to save from the basement?”
Lazarus shook his head. Ellie could feel his frustration but also see the resolve in his expression. “Finch is in the wind. Again. He’s smarter than I gave him credit for. He programmed a series of bombs around strategic structural points to make sure the building collapsed on itself and burned to cinders. Sam was able to slow the countdown but not stop it. Hopefully, it allowed me enough time to transfer some of the data. I don’t know how much I was able to save. I’ll see when I get in front of my computer. I know that the police are extremely interested in it. What matters now is that we’ll be able to cut off access to the last of his funds. He won’t have anywhere to go. If we’re lucky, he’ll kill himself.” With a sigh, Lazarus stretched and rubbed his neck before continuing. “The cops will need to speak with you some more, but I don’t think they’ll ever discover what really happened to Panem. I’m guessing the fire and explosion will erase any evidence.”
It was her turn to shrug. “I don’t care. To be honest, I don’t want Panem or Finch to take any more of my peace. I’ll do my best to forget them as quickly as possible.”
“And what about Sam? Are you going to push him away and forget him too? Since we let you out of the truck, you’ve avoided looking at him and haven’t asked about him. I don’t know you well, but I know my brother. The moment he spotted you, he hasn’t let you out of his sight. Even now, while he’s talking to the cops, I’d wager he’s wondering if you’re all right.”
“I’m fine.”
This time, Lazarus leaned forward, with those familiar silvery irises, as if trying to look deep inside her. “Really?”
What could she say? Only one thing was certain, Ellie loved Sam. It was undeniable and wasn’t something that would change. She wanted him safe, but not to save him. She wanted him to be happy, whether it was with her or not.
If this entire ordeal taught her anything, it was that she was stronger than she’d realized and she was ready to take on whatever was in front of her.
“I think Sam needs to sort some things out. So much has happened and I have the feeling that everything is mixed up in his head and in his heart. He’s suffered so much and never believed he could live a full life. You want to know if I love him. I never thought I could love someone so much. That’s why, even if all I want is to see him, be with him, I’ll step back and wait for him, without any promises or certainty.”
It was in disbelief that Lazarus looked at her. “Why?”
“Because that’s what people do when they’re in love. They wait.”
With a low laugh, Lazarus gave her a half hug. “I wish I was that wise. Do you need anything from me?”
On impulse she gave him a full hug. “Is that what you do? Take care of those around you? Who takes care of you in return?”
The stoic man seemed lost for words. “Don’t worry about me. I don’t need to be taken care of.”
“Well, I think we’ll agree to disagree on that.”
Not deterred by the arched eyebrow of a man who didn’t seem used to being put on the spot like that, Ellie added to it by giving him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for the offer, but I don’t need anything but a cab. Unless you think it’s not safe for me to return home.”
“Sam would definitely disagree, but I doubt Finch will reappear for some time.” He fished out a key and handed it to her. “I had your door replaced and the locks too.”
Baffled, she took it. “Is there anything you can’t do?” Seeing the somber expression on his face, it was clear he was thinking about his father. “You’re a good man, Lazarus. And you’ll succeed. There’s no doubt in my mind. It will happen at the right time.”