Page 39 of Dark Bastard
Gently, he pulled her away from the wall, still licking and nipping at her collarbone, leading her to the bed. Ellie moved to discard her towel, but Sam grabbed her hands. A slow smile came over his mouth, one full of heat and anticipation. “Let me, my angel.”
Her brain turned to mush at his plea as he took her in his arms and placed her on the mattress, still wrapped up. He appeared composed, but his quick breathing and stormy gaze hinted otherwise as he began to strip.
His boots and jacket flew, but Ellie’s attention was solely on Sam, who looked back at her with the same intensity. When he discarded his shirt, all that golden skin made her own temperature rise as her fingers yearned to reach for him.
Sam reached for his fly before pushing his pants down. The sight of his erection, rigid and pulsing, made her rub her thighs together hard, but it was far from enough. Her frustration grew when Sam didn’t jump on her as she hoped, and just smiled even wider. She was on the brink of begging when Sam finally put a knee on the bed and bent to kiss her ankle. The gesture was so tender, so heartfelt, Ellie felt her eyes fill with tears. Kiss after kiss, he traced a necklace of invisible marks over her skin, moving up her leg. Her body wanted faster, but her heart was just too full to ask for it. Time wasn’t important if they were together. There’d be other times, and many more of them if she had any say in it.
When his mouth was on the edge of the towel, Ellie reached for him, running her fingers through his thick mane. Sam pushed his head into her hand like a lazy cat before pursuing his sensual quest. Inch by inch, he parted the towel, rewarding every uncovered spot with a kiss. It was becoming harder to stay still as Sam slowly bathed her with his heat. When he pushed the cloth aside to reveal her sex, Ellie opened her legs in a silent invitation, which was denied. With his lips the only contact and the heat radiating from his body as he moved upward, Ellie finally leaned back, letting herself enjoy his ministrations until he reached her mouth. “I fantasied unveiling you so many times, it’s as if I’m still caught in a dream.”
Ellie dove deep into his cherished silvery gaze as she wrapped her legs around his hips until his erection was nestled against her wet heat. “I don’t want the dream, Sam. I want reality, the amazing, even the ugly if that means that we can be together.” And to illustrate her words, she slid her hand between their bodies and pushed herself up until his hard length impaled her with delicious friction.
The outside world dimmed with the fire that grew between them. Her heart pounding, Ellie let her hands wander over Sam, caressing him wherever she could reach. Sam moved, leveraging himself to plunge even harder into her, and the twist of his hips proved to her that even time and distance hadn’t lessened their knowledge of each other. Her body ignited with his, constantly unsatisfied, hunger gnawing at her until she felt wild.
Sam gave her one last kiss before rising to his knees and pushing her legs even wider. Vulnerable, Ellie blushed, but lust swept away her lingering reservations. After all, they’d seen, touched, and tasted every part of each other before, the only difference now was that there wasn’t any doubt between them. Their feelings, emotions, and hearts were in synch in the most wonderful and frightening way.
“Look at me, angel.”
His voice made her open her eyes, amplifying the sensation as she glanced at Sam. He may have given her that nickname, but kneeling there, naked, glistening with sweat, with that intensity emanating from him, Ellie could call him her fallen angel. When his finger slid over her inner thigh, so softly it almost tickled, her voice turned from warning to heightened pleasure when his fingertip flicked over her clitoris. With her core tightening around him, she felt his fingers tracing the delicate folds, taunting her, making her lift her hips even more, as if to search for his touch. “Please, Sam. It’s been too long. I want you too much.” Ellie didn’t recognize her own voice as she begged.
Sam’s expression darkened, but he didn’t stop. “I want you like my next breath, like if I don’t touch you, or pleasure you, I’ll die. Don’t ask me to end it too soon, as I don’t think I can until you come undone. Please come for me, Ellie.”
His admission came with his body taking hers with even more force, his busy fingers surprising Ellie into a brutal orgasm. Its suddenness made her gasp and blindly reach for Sam. Just as the wave crested, Sam increased his assault, forcing her to take another surge of ecstasy. In the haze, Ellie realized it was what Sam had been waiting for before allowing himself his release. Even caught in her own delight, she admired her warrior as he lost himself in pleasure, so open and so vulnerable, knowing it was only possible when they were together.
Finally, entangled on the bed, sweaty and satiated, Ellie wanted nothing more than to lie there and listen to Sam’s heartbeat.
She felt like a cat, purring as he caressed her back. Nuzzling his chest, she tried to wiggle upward, which made Sam chuckle. “Is that your way of telling me that you liked it?”
Ellie lifted her head with a dreamy smile. “And that I want to do it with you again, and again.”
The snort turned to full-blown laughter. “Then, I’m glad I kept in shape while I was away.”
Ellie couldn’t agree more as she let her hand trail down his hard stomach. His muscles shivered and Sam caught her hand to stop the tickling. “You lifted weights in the desert?”
He kissed her fingers before putting her hand back on his chest. “It’s a difficult life in the tribes, but simple.” Silence surrounded them until Sam spoke. “I told my mother about you.”
The last remnants of her climax dissipated at that simple sentence, and she pushed herself to her elbows. “You didn’t!”
“I did. Why are you panicking?”
Good question. Ellie sputtered, trying to form a logical answer. “I don’t know. It took me by surprise that you told her anything about me.”
“Ellie, how could I keep you a secret? You’re important to me, and I wanted to share the news that I’m in love with you, that you’ve become an important part of my life.”
“I know, Sam. It’s just that I’ve been alone all my life. I never had a family, never knew my parents. I just don’t want to disappoint your mother. I mean she’s some kind of princess. I’m only me.”
Sam shifted, sitting against the headboard, bringing her up until she sat on his lap. After a tender but searing kiss and encircled by his muscled arms, Ellie felt dazed when he started speaking. “And you only get me, every part of me, heart and soul, my fairy angel. I may be a prince within my tribe, but unless you like tents, sheep, and camels, you’ll be disappointed by the amount of my personal fortune.”
He looked amused, but there was another question circling her mind. “Do you want to go back to your country and your family?”
“Ellie, I’d love to take you to meet my mother and tribe, but my life is here, with you and my brothers. And even if I preferred to keep you lost in the desert with the Bedouins, I can’t leave my brothers with a threat hanging over theirs and their family’s heads. Until Finch is neutralized, we still need to be careful. That means all of us, including you, because I can’t bear the thought of you falling into Finch’s hands again.”
That warmth and love she felt for him and was already overwhelming just seemed to intensify. “You better be safe too because I won’t hesitate to go after you. And I only say that because I want to have you by my side for as long as we can get.”
His arms closed tightly around her as she buried her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the very essence of him. “How long would you like, my fairy angel?”
With forever on her lips, Ellie just tilted her head to welcome his mouth again.
Their story was ready to start, but first, Sam had to be at his brothers’ side so they could end Jamieson Finch’s madness. There would be sacrifice and danger, but Ellie knew that courage and love would be the key. For all the brothers and their hope for the future they deserved.