Page 13 of Shadow Killer
Fear gripping his gut, he reached for his gun and swiveled to confront his attacker.
It was as if a lightning bolt had hit, his mind was crystal clear, and he was aiming his weapon at nothing but an empty store.
“What the hell...” Was this how it felt when someone was on the verge of losing their mind?
As he relaxed his guard, Dominique came by his side. “You saw it too, didn’t you? Oh, mon Dieu. I hoped so much to be wrong.”
Brandon shook his head. Did the incense have other properties in it than just its scent? It took a few more seconds before he registered Dominique’s words. “What are you saying? Is someone after you? I swear I saw a shadow behind us.”
Those pale eyes glinted like steel. “Not me, mon ami. But you. You experienced the darkness I saw hovering near Noelle and ithas intensified since you arrived. Although she’s not the primary target.”
Brandon started pacing. “You’re talking about magic stuff? No disrespect, but I don’t believe in magic, or voodoo, or witchcraft.”
Expecting a frown, he received a motherly smile and a pat of the arm instead. “When you have lived as long as I have, magic is not about voodoo. You’re a police officer. How many times have you followed that little voice in your head, that gut feeling? Where does it come from, Brandon? Do you have an explanation for it?”
Was she for real? But as he searched for an explanation, he came up empty.
“You see? Magic is what made you choose your profession, come here to New Orleans, and meet Noelle.”
At the name, his attention went to the door leading to the back of the store.
“Ma chérie Noelle is a strong woman, but she’s battled alone for so long that she almost has nothing left of her fighting spirit. She came here because she wanted reassurance that she could trust you. In my mind, that was never in question. There is already a bond between you two.”
Feeling way out of his depth, Brandon wasn’t sure he followed.
“You’re one of the few who is worthy of Noelle. I wanted to see for myself if you dared to go after that shadow stalking you, especially since I fear it is now touching Noelle. Only a man like you, Brandon Turner, can uncover the truth and protect my Noelle.”
He should have dismissed all this nonsense, but that gut feeling Dominique had told him about couldn’t be denied, and that was more real to him than anything else.
“You know what you’re saying is simply impossible, don’t you? You need to tell me the truth and reveal what you know. Who is threatening Noelle and me?”
Dominique didn’t say a word and went to a large armoire in a corner and opened it. “What I’m telling you is the truth. It’s for you to believe this revelation or not. I can’t convince you, as you’re the only one in control of your destiny.”
Rummaging through its content for a moment, she finally smiled. “Ah! I knew it was somewhere around here. I didn’t think I would ever use it but was wise enough to never discard it.”
Brandon knew he should say his goodbyes, grab Noelle and go, but he was glued in place. “I’m a cop. I use facts and logic. If you know of a threat against your friend or me, please tell me. Otherwise, I’m stuck.”
“I wish I knew more. For your sake and Noelle’s, but what has been revealed is limited. What is to come must be unveiled in its own time. I know you think that I’m half crazy, half opportunistic. Let me reassure you. My sole goal is to protect Noelle. And you.”
“You don’t know me. And I don’t believe in that magic stuff.”
As a regal queen, she gave him another grin. “Here. This is for you.” Dominique took his hand and placed a small, engraved shard in his palm, one attached to a black string. Made of wood, it was worn and old, as if touched and stroked by many before him, but still sharp. If he passed his finger on the edge, he knew it would cut his skin. “It is an amulet. It can’t prevent what is to come, but it will give you the chance you need to defeat your unknown enemy.”
When he shook his head again, Dominique closed his fingers around the object and held both her hands around his. “You say I don’t know you, but there’s doubt in your mind as you try to analyze everything I said. And that doubt is enough. I know thateven if you say you do not believe me, you are already looking for who that shadow might be, that person wishing you harm. And as you do, you’re already trying to see how you can protect Noelle. Everything is too fresh, too new, but you care about her. There are other reasons, but for now, can you accept that you’re a protector? That’s what you do. Just focus on protecting my friend, and that the magic you don’t believe in will give you all the answers you need to unveil the danger on your heels.”
“Will you tell me what’s going on, damn it?” Noelle didn’t know how to deal with this brand-new version of Brandon Turner she encountered when returning from the back room. The flirty man who’d only wanted to get in her good graces and make her smile had turned into a darker individual. “What did Dominique say to you? I was gone for no more than fifteen minutes, and you’re acting as if you’ve seen a ghost. One with a knife!”
It may have been a good guess. However, he hadn’t rushed out of the store or turned sheet white like most people who met Dominique for the first time. Not this one. A more accurate description would’ve been a laid-back pooch turning into a fierce guard dog. His demeanor had changed, every muscle now hard, as if he was on guard, awaiting an impending threat.
“Did you come by car, or did you walk to the tour?” From the moment they’d left the small store Brandon had linked his arm around her waist and took her other hand in a loose but unbreakable hold. Noelle only could give a quizzical look atDominique, who winked and waved goodbye. If that wink meant she could trust Brandon, it was good news, although she was ready to reevaluate that, due to his weird behavior.
“You can’t answer a question by asking another one.” This time, even though he had a head in height on her, she planted her heels. He could have dragged her along, but instead stopped to face her, but not before scanning the area. Even if she refused to acknowledge it, Noelle started to lose the battle against incoming fright.
“Can we have this conversation elsewhere, anywhere except out in the open? Your place, my place, the office if you’d like.”
It was certain that the lieutenant wouldn’t be open to any more discussion. “Okay, but when we’re inside, we talk. That’s non-negotiable. And I swear, you’ll understand that I can give you the silent treatment to the point it will make your ears ring.”