Page 23 of Shadow Killer
As she grabbed her phone to text Severine, she noticed a message from Roseline. “Wait a second. I’ve just received a video from my favorite cyber cop. She says she could only find feeds from shops around the corner, but they kept walking. She’s trying to expand the zone, but she’s already checked a few more streets without success. Either the cameras are aiming the wrong way, or they just vanished.”
With a groan, Brandon let his head fall on the back of the sofa. “The distance between the bar and where we found Jordyn is too vast. If we can’t narrow it down, it’s going to be impossible to trace their movements.”
Noelle couldn’t agree more. “So we have to focus on a link between them all. Maybe there’s something that ties them together and leads us to a location and, even better, a suspect.”
With a sharp nod, he stretched his arms, pushing his hair from his face. With his golden mane like that, he didn’t look like a hardened soldier or a cop, but something darker, enticing. Noelle had to fight the heated thoughts that were leading her away from their work.
“A family lawyer and a psychologist. Both were born and raised in New Orleans. Both without any precursors or criminal records. How do they link to Jordyn and Leanna?”
“Let’s start with the first possibility. What if, with the first two cases, there’s a single mastermind behind them? They’re both professionals who meet a lot of people.”
“Ahead of you on that one, Noelle. I’ve already requested access to their client lists, but it’s taking time as they’re confidential. I’m hoping I’ll have them tomorrow.”
Putting the empty food box on the coffee table, Noelle wiped her hands on a napkin. “So we’re stuck.”
“At least until I get access to the files, or you get the results from your initial round of testing.”
The almighty dead end. As there was nothing else to dig into without more information, Noelle stood, gathering some of the empty wrappings. “I should start to get results in a couple of hours. I’ll head home and get some sleep. How about we meet back at the station early?”
Not confident where the trash can was, she wandered into the kitchen.
“You’re not going to your apartment. We’ve already discussed that.”
Brandon was shadowing her now as she searched for the trash can. The kitchen was surprisingly clean, telling her that he didn’t use the space often, but the two full garbage bags in the corner confirmed how often he ordered in.
“We haven’t discussed anything. Only what Dominique said, and the more I go over what you said about your talk, the more I’m convinced she meant the threat was hovering over you.”
“But it touched you, too. I’m not saying I believe it, but with everything that’s happening, how my friends have been caught up in such a strange case, didn’t you find it sufficient to be cautious? Don’t you believe in your friend Dominique and all that magic stuff?”
That made her pause, so Noelle put what was in her hand on the counter and turned. “So, now you’re saying I should be careful about something you don’t believe in?”
She asked her question with a hint of sarcasm, but Brandon couldn’t be more serious, a frown of worry marring his forehead. His hands went to her arms. “I don’t believe in magic, but my gut is screaming not to let you out of my sight.”
Noelle may have joked about Brandon’s reaction to Dominique’s predictions, but she knew better than to dismiss them. “If my friend says darkness is closing in on you, it’s true.I’m the one who should be worried and not let you out of my sight.”
This wasn’t meant as flirting, but the chemistry between them intensified whatever they were doing or saying. Brandon was so close, it was impossible to resist tucking the strands of hair that hid part of his face behind his ear and indulge in the desire to touch his neck before gliding her fingers down his beard and bunching his shirt in her hands.
Strong hands flexed on her hips and brought her flush against him. “Then, I suggest we remain as close to each other as possible. Just to be safe.”
How could he make her smile at such a grim moment? His mouth was divine, the remembered taste of him making her crave for more.
Palms sneaked to her ass again. Brandon, obviously an ass man, lifted her and plopped her on the kitchen counter. “My neck was getting a crick. How can you be so perfect but be so small?”
Now that made her burst into full-blown laughter. “You’re the first man ever to tell me I’m too small. Are you blind?”
The low rumble under her fingers made her want to rip every stitch of clothing off him, but the man moved, his mouth following the column of her throat. “I was talking about your height, woman. As for the rest of you...” Brandon buried his face between her ample breasts with a sigh of contentment. “I think you’re perfect.”
His hands slid under her shirt, and even after what he said, Noelle fidgeted when his fingers passed over the rolls of her belly. Instead of retreating, Brandon just peeled the shirt off her pausing when he saw her green lace bra. “Creamy perfection. I’m in awe of you and I can’t decide if I should lick every inch of you or fall to my knees and worship at the altar of your beauty.”
A shiver coursed through her entire being when he leaned forward, his lips leaving a wet trail over her skin, his whiskers arousing her even more. His teeth closed over her covered nipple. Her hips bucked forward, her thighs opened, and Brandon didn’t hesitate. He not only stepped into the gap but grabbed her knees and pulled her close. With only the edge of her buttocks on a solid surface, Noelle wrapped her legs around his hips, nestling his hard cock between her legs.
“Please stay with me tonight. For a few hours, let’s make our own magic.”
Noelle let her head fall to her shoulder as she lost herself in his caressing mouth and inflaming words.
“I wonder how you’ll taste under my tongue. Will you moan?” He nipped at her hip, and she yelled in surprise. “Or maybe you’ll scream? Say yes, Noelle. I’m dying here.”
In answer, she brought his talented mouth up to hers, shutting him up for good. Damn the rest of the world.