Page 18 of Siriarna
He moves to my side, picks up my limp hand and says, “Let’s do this together.”
I nod, trying to find a tiny ounce of bravery, which is proving difficult.
“Let’s take a step forward, okay? On the count of three,” he says. “One, two—”
He moves forward before finishing the countdown. Automatically, my body responds by following. “Hey, you cheated.” I lightly scold. Secretly I’m thrilled. It was exactly the jolt I needed.
Now, I’ve made the first step, the process of climbing down the ladder doesn’t seem as daunting. “I think I’ll take you up on your offer and go first if that’s okay?”
“Absolutely,” he grins.
My legs follow the rungs effortlessly, and I reach the ground below safely. Braxton right behind me.What was I worried about?
Reunited with the rest of the group, we wordlessly move through the tunnel’s wide passageway. At the exit, we comeface to face with a river that snakes its way to the base of the waterfall. The terrain is uneven and menacing in the gloom. The thrashing sound of water pummelling against the rocks in the near distance, an ominous reminder of the dangers lurking below.
Trudging forward with caution, we reach the base without mishap, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
Julius jumps straight into action and uses his Propensity skills to raise a plume of water. “The temperature is raising rapidly. At this rate, it will reach boiling point within three days,” he delivers.
“I can feel the disturbance beneath the surface. We are going to have to act quickly,” agrees Thea.
Bright, flashing headlights appear above us. A night tour bus has arrived, and a guide is unloading people to take in the sights. The whole attraction is now lit up with floodlights. Alexandraya and Roman respond instinctively, extinguishing their light balls and retreating from their prominent position undetected. Following their lead, the remaining group members silently move away from the water’s edge, slipping out of public view.
Departing, I spy another group leaving in a different direction simultaneously. Hmm, strange.
“Time to return to the apartments. We will resume tomorrow evening,” directs Alexandraya.
A relentless tapping at the door disturbs my unexpected slumber. The travel lag crept in the moment I returned to the apartment, forcing my body to recharge despite my wish to remain alert. I had hoped to unpack the revelations Ms M delivered earlier at the Marketplace, but drifted into a dreamless sleep before I had the chance.
“Are you in there Siriarna? It’s me…Roman,” I hear from outside my room.
“Hang on a sec.”
I open the door looking dishevelled, my hair a wayward mess.
“Were you sleeping?”
“Well, I was trying to,” I laugh.
He hurls himself onto my bed in two strides, the mattress creaking under his lanky weight. Making himself comfortable, he pats the spot beside him beckoning me over. I slide into position while discreetly attempting to flatten my hair. I must look a wreck compared to the perfectly styled Alexandraya.
“What did you get up to today? You know, before we went to the falls,” he asks.
I toy with the idea of sharing Ms M’s theory on my ability, but the warning from Simeon rings in my ears. I know I can trust Roman, and I don’t want to lie to him, but for some inexplicable reason, I hold back the information. “I went to the Marketplace to explore.” Technically, not a lie, just a withholding of information.
“Find anything interesting?”
“Lot’s actually,” I reply, my bangs falling into my eyes.
He reaches over and brushes the strands from my face, tucking them behind my ear. “Glad you’re enjoying the realm. I can’t wait to start the mission. I’m ready.” He speaks confidently.
My breath catches at his touch. “I’m ready too.” I exhale, although I’m not referring to the mission. Before I have the chance to elaborate, a mirrored orb appears in Roman’s hand.
“Where are you, Roman?” a voice roars.
Alexandraya! She has a habit of interrupting at the most inappropriate times. I make a groaning sound that I thought was in my head but must have escaped out loud.