Page 26 of Siriarna
It’s a good thought so I concentrate on the third line. I wonderhow we can look forward from behind. I turn my head to look over my shoulder but nothing significant stands out. As I spin around to face Braxton, I spot an object near the entrance—the gilded mirror with the 6 Propensities carved into the oversized frame. “Come on partner.” I smile.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” I giggle at the joke, dragging him toward the mirror.
Standing side by side, facing our reflections, we peer closely into the mirror. I see Braxton’s eyes staring back at me intently and I shyly avert my gaze. That’s the moment I spot a glint from the chalice cup. Without a word, I grab Braxton’s hand and race to the front of the Auditorium. Reaching inside the cup, I pull out a slip of paper. Bingo! Clue 2.
“Gods likely Siriarna, you are so clever,” Braxton hugs me, and together, we unfold the piece of paper.
It reads:
Good for you, you’ve found Clue 2;
But now the race picks up its pace;
There is no time for you to waste;
Follow the track to where it leads;
It’s quite a way so use your speed;
It could be solid or maybe hollow;
Get right to it, it’s time to follow.
“The Ovallium Forest” we say in unison. I cover my mouth, shocked by the volume that escaped in excitement.
“Let’s go,” Braxton whispers, zipping the second clue into his backpack.
Alexandraya, Roman, Melodie and Davina appear out of nowhere. I can’t help giving Alexandraya the biggest smile I can summon as I walk through the double doors.
I catch that sarcastic grin from Siriarna. Perhaps I hadn’t given her enough credit to rate her as a possible threat in this challenge. Really, her skills are so average, but I had not given any thought to her mind. All those books she reads might actually give her an advantage. I was hoping she would be derailed with Roman by my side, however, she seems rather unaffected.
A rush of anger bolts through my body. This challenge is mine and I have every intention of winning. I don’t care about the winner’s inscription in the Auditorium (although it would be nice to see my name every time I enter). I don’t even care so much about the next Surface World mission (again, I wouldn’t mind leading it). What I really care about is the dinner with the gods and another chance to meet Hermes.
Winning this challenge is everything. I will make sure I end up on top. Whatever it takes.
Braxton and I are hustling along the pathway. We pass through the Zen, but we still have a way to go and need to get to the dock quickly. The boat will take us directly to the edge of the forest. Out of nowhere, my hair swishes into my face. I can narrowly make out the four figures leaving a channel of light behind. The TON, and Roman, have used their Light speed to race ahead.
By the time Braxton and I arrive, the forest appears deserted. The fresh smell of pine needles and damp moss fills my nostrils. The leaves are crunching below my feet and the dappled light isfading as the forest thickens the further we plough. I can’t hear any voices or view signs of other teams.
Taking a moment, Braxton reaches into his backpack and hands me a bottle of stream water.
“You have thought of everything,” I say gulping down the cool liquid.
“Well, I try.”
The moment he says it, we both look at each other and say out loud, “the old well.”
The old well is located East past the centre point of the forest. We change our direction and set about the new course. Once we arrive, we see another team leaving, Sage and Brooklyn.