Page 32 of Siriarna
“Not since the celebrations.”
“Don’t you find that a little strange? It’s like she’s disappeared.”
“Well, we aren’t in the same Propensity. I did look for her this morning, but I figured she must be caught up with her group after our win.”
The way he says ‘our win’ grates on my nerves, but I continue with my questioning.
“At the ceremony, she invited me to her hut. I turned up last night, but her hut was empty,” I continue.
“Maybe she was out with her friends and forgot all about you,” Braxton returns slyly.
Is this guy for real? Siriarna would not forget about me. “Maybe you’re right,” I say, even though I know he’s not. I move off and head straight to her Propensity room to chat with herGroup Leader.
Simeon confirms he hasn’t seen Siriarna since the ceremony and thought it strange she hadn’t shown up yet for class. He suggests we go straight to High Power Omnisensus to express our concern.
I think Roman is right and I am worried. Very worried in fact. It’s not like Siriarna to disappear. She was radiant after the win, like a light inside her had awakened a newfound confidence. I couldn’t help but kiss her. And she returned it with passion. No, she wouldn’t take off without a word. That I am one hundred percent sure of.
I start to worry something terrible has happened. I want so desperately to rewind time, but first year Propensity students are only skilled in manipulating up to 12 hours of Time. I, however, am able to chant a spell to rewind the full 24 hours gifted to semi gods, just like the advanced fifth and sixth year students. I pay them in gods’ nectar for their secret tuition.Thank you, Nicholas.It’s the only thing my hostile guide parent has been useful for. I wonder if he’s even noticed I pilfered his stolen loot.
Even if I did rewind time, Siriarna has been missing longer than 24 hours now, so it would do no good. And, if I was caught breaking the realm rules, my time on Evolirium would be over and I would be realm-banished.
Without another thought, I head straight to High Power Omnisensus. Something is very wrong with this whole situation. When I arrive at his office, I see both Roman and Simeon sitting outside. The Authority invites us into his office, and the three of us spew words at the same time.
He raises his hands in a stop motion, “Slow down, one at a time.”
Roman speaks up relaying the story of arriving at Siriarna’s empty hut, and none of us having seen her since the Challenge celebration. Well, I saw her at her hut. But that is a mere technicality, and I don’t want to share that private moment with Roman.
High Power Omnisensus dismisses Roman and me, explaining he will gather all Propensity Leaders and hatch out a plan to find Siriarna. While he delivers the news with steady verbiage, his eyes crinkle with concern and he tugs at his chin stubble.
Shortly after our return to class, an announcement zips around the Facility calling all students to the Auditorium. It is here that High Power Omnisensus advises Siriarna’s suspected disappearance. He asks if anyone has any information on where she might be. Alexandraya raises her hand.
“Yes, Alexandraya,”
“I have no idea where Siriarna might be, although I’d guess she’s likely fallen asleep somewhere with a book?it has been an exhausting few days. To help, I’d like to offer my services to attend the gods’ dinner tomorrow night in her place. That is, if she hasn’t shown up by then.”
“Yes, that’s a good idea Alexandraya considering that you did place second in the challenge. Come to my office when we’re finished here.”
What?!I don’t believe it. Since when has Alexandraya ever done anything helpful that’s not directly self-involved? I wouldn’t be surprised if she had something to do with Siriarna’s disappearance.
“What have you done with Siriarna?” I pull at her arm roughly when we’re dismissed.
“Hey, back off man,” Roman interjects.
“I have no idea what you are talking about Braxton. If I had the slightest idea where Siriarna was, I would tell you. I don’t want any bad blood between us, we will be dinner partners tomorrow night after all,” she replies sweetly.
“Surely you can see she’s lying, right?” I implore to Roman.
“No, she wouldn’t do that,” he responds, placing a protective arm around Alexandraya’s shoulders.
I can’t believe tonight I will be dining on Mount Olympus. It’s a dream come true. I must thank Siriarna, if she ever returns, for disappearing at the most convenient time.