Page 37 of Siriarna
Now back in the Progression Realm, I proceed straight to High Power Omnisensus’ quarters to see if there is any update on Siriarna’s whereabouts. To my absolute relief, she has beenfound safe. However, I was disgusted to find out she was held at the bottom of the Void. Who, in their right mind, would put another semi god there against their will?It’s just too cruel to comprehend.
When I ask the Authority if I can see her, he informs me of her choice to leave Evolirium and live out her existence in The Between. He then tells me of her loss of Propensity powers. This news rocks me to my core. I am so angry and heartbroken for her. I plead with the Authority to send me to The Between, even if only for a few hours. I need to see her. I want to tell her she’ll be okay, that I will always be there for her, that we can work out her future here, on Evolirium. But he refuses. He tells me her choice was to be left alone and he will respect her decision.
I am totally frustrated. I cannot accept that I will never see her again. If I could turn back time I would, but it would not change the outcome of Siriarna’s magic loss. And I absolutely cannot for the life of me endure returning to the Sky Realm and spending another second with Alexandraya.
That was the best experience of my existence. I never wanted to leave, and I wouldn’t have if Braxton hadn’t dragged me out the minute I returned to the table. Pining for Siriarna. That stupid girl is still bothering me, even though she is currently out of the picture.
The moment Iris landed the chariot on Mount Olympus, I felt like I was home. The opulence, the grandeur, the palace, it’s everything I imagined and more. I see myself fitting into this realm and I will do anything to switch my status from semi god to god.
I want the glory, the power and the eternal position that becoming a god will allow, and I’m positive it is within my reach. Hermes couldn’t take his eyes off me this evening. Proven when he escorted me to the powder room. Which, incidentally, I never made it to. Instead, he swept me onto a private balcony and told me how much he admired me, before pulling me into an intoxicating kiss. It was more euphoric than the nectar. It took every ounce of willpower to pull away. He wants me, as I knew he would, but I have no intention of becoming one of his playthings. No, that will not suit my plan … I want to become his wife.
Before I abruptly left, he whispered in my ear that he’d like to see me again. I coolly responded that tonight was nice, but I was already taken by a semi god on Evolirium. I could see the challenge cross his eyes. A god vs semi god. No challenge at all.
Let the game begin.
The whole evening couldn’t have gone any more perfectly. I hug myself in self-congratulation. I can’t wait to tell Melodie and Davina how well the plan worked. More importantly, I am looking forward to seeing Hermes again. I know it won’t be too long before he makes his move.
Whilst it is definitely not a nirvana like Evolirium, The Between is not as awful as I had expected. It’s just a bland, and smaller by comparison, working realm. The topography is flat and city-like with intertwining tree-lined streets and low-rise buildings. Everything is grey, the foliage of the trees being the only exception. In fact, it matches my now colourless new life.
I locate my designated accommodations in the mid-realm; a tiny level 1 apartment that is just as dreary as the realm itself. Before heading up to the apartment, I stop at the food stall below and select a bottle of stream water. It’s not mountain elixir—that was gift from the mountains of Evolirium and I miss having a supply in my refrigerator. I try to drag my thoughts away from my former realm. I have no powers, no use, and no intention of returning to Evolirium.
I let out a deep sigh upon entering the tiny space. My bed is in one corner of the large room that is my new home. It’s been a long day, and I climb into bed grateful that it’s finally over. My slumber takes me to the night of my kidnap, and I wake screaming into the pillow. I stay awake the rest of the night too afraid my dreams will return to real life nightmares.
Finally, the sun peaks through the only window, indicating morning has arrived, relieving my fruitless attempts at sleep. I force myself to get dressed and leave the apartment. I want to explore The Between and see if there’s anything I can find affinity with. After all, it wasmychoice to move here.
Leaving the building I am transfixed, mesmerised by the wet weather—it doesn’t rain on Evolirium. I hold out my palms and let the gentle patter of moisture soak into my skin. The droplets tickle as they land, and I laugh out loud. The noise sounds foreign in my head, like a lost memory bubbling to the surface.Gods let there be hope.
The streets are mostly vacant, all mortals in the realm are busy fulfilling their purpose—working the lands, storing information, and crafting for the gods. There is no magic in The Between, so I resign myself to the fact that this is the best place for me. And I theorise it’s probably best I find something to keep me busy. That should help take my mind off the powers I have lost.
Spotting a ring of benches in a sphere-shaped open court, I sit for a moment. I am alone in the space and the silence is deafening. Leaving as quickly I as entered, I hear a group of chatter. Intrigued, I stroll toward the noise.
Coming out of a jam-packed eatery, is a group of people about my age and oddly, I catch sight of someone familiar. I can’t quite place her. How could I possibly recognise anyone in this realm? The girl is smallish in statue with auburn hair pulled into a tight bun. I rack my brain to try and place her. When she absently pulls out her hairband, revealing long curly hair, it suddenly strikes me…Miriam. The semi god found floating in the Zen River on Evolirium. I rush to catch the group and tap the girl lightly on her shoulder.
She spins around to face me, “Yes?”
I clear my throat, immediately lost for words. I am standing,staring, still in shock at seeing her here in The Between. The last image I had of her was face down in the water—my body convulses in an involuntary shudder.
“Siriarna, is that you? What are you doing here?” she interrupts my awkward silence.
“Yes, it’s me.” I reply in a tight, high-pitched voice.
“You guys go ahead, I’ll catch up with you later,” Miriam says to her friends, picking up on my distress. “What are you doing here?”
I burst into tears.
Miriam immediately hugs me. “Why don’t we have a little chat?”