Page 53 of Siriarna
The ever smooth and youthful facial appearance of the Great God is tarnished with a scowl. In stark contrast, Roman is beaming. He has always openly displayed his admiration for Apollo. Without hesitation, he is leaping into the chariot. I, on the other hand, am a little wary. How can I leave the realm that was almost destroyed? However, the seriousness of Apollo’s expression leads me gradually toward the transport.
Braxton grabs my arm, and the previous feeling of déjà vu resurfaces. “Siriarna, please don’t go,” he pleads. The look in his eyes is melancholic. Behind the sadness I glimpse a desperation in his widened chestnut eyes. “I’ll be back soon, don’t worry.” I say climbing the rungs of the ladder.
My last thought, however, is Alexandraya tucked away in the not-so-comfort of the Void. My conscience settles as I make a mental note to return in three days to release my cousin.
I catch Siriarna as she faints following the revelation that the strike was meant for her. That’s when I realise I cannot disclose who launched the attack. Not yet.
The Fates have shared her parentage with me in a premonition. As the truth was unveiled, I found myself in complete shock—that is a rare occurrence in my line of abilities. My purpose is clear. This tiny god will be under my protection and my protection will be paramount. Once her ancestry is revealed to the heavens, there will be turbulent times ahead. Battle lines will be drawn and danger will follow. I’m ready though, ready to guard her with all of my being.
Peering into her pale violet eyes just now, my own immortality reflected back at me, proves this is where I belong. Here, by Siriarna’s side.
Even if I didn’t want to, I would heed the Fates’ request. Otherwise, I could face the punishment Eileithyia was bestowed—entombment in her cave on Knossos for all eternity. The Fates reacted severely for breaking their most coveted law in revealing Siriarna’s ancestry to her person. I’m lucky I don’t have to fight my destiny, Iwantto be part of Siriarna’s life. Ineedto for I relish the destiny I have foreseen.
Bringing Roman along was a last minute decision. How could I leave my son in a realm that is under attack?
I am temporarily stunned by Apollo’s revelation that the attack bound for Evolirium was meant for me. So much so, the air leaves my body and I fall limp toward the chariot floor. Luckily Apollo is as quick as he is gifted, and I regain consciousness moments later in his arms.
Now upright, and with the Progression Realm fast becoming a distant image, I turn him and ask, “Who is hunting me?”
His expression is stiff, and it’s clear he doesn’t want to disclose the information he holds. I ask again, “Apollo, I need to know. Now.” I say forcefully.
He lets out a deep sigh, then responds, “Your mother is trying to erase your existence.”
“But … but I just saw her and she…oh, right.” I finish mid question as I realise exactly why Psyche wants me gone. She wants her secret buried, for the second time in history. Only this time, she wants to ensure it’s permanent.
I scream into the open air, then let out a guttural cry as I realise the future I longed to embrace, has been ripped from my soul.
Roman throws a protective arm around my shouldersteadying my swaying body. “You know who your mother is?” he utters baffled.
I start to hyperventilate as my thoughts return to Psyche. I can’t say her name out loud. I can’t tell Roman the discovery of my past. I’m ashamed I was foolish enough to believe my future was going to be alongsideher.
“Take it easy Siriarna, we’re almost there.” Apollo says.
I’m lost in a surge of emotions. The rhythm of the horses gentle yet steady rocking movements, combined with Roman’s grip, provide an unspoken solace.
Within moments, we’ve exited the vortex and I am again passing through the golden gates of Mount Olympus. Instead of recoiling at the thought of re-entering the Sky Realm, I know exactly what I need to do.
And I hope I don’t cause a war by doing so. Actually, I don’t really care if I do.
The horses come to rest outside a modest looking palace, quite the contrast to Psyche’s. Just the thought of her makes my head spin, and I steady myself by gripping the chariot rail. Apollo throws down the golden ladder from the chariot door while stepping from the carriage himself. Roman, follows, leaping from the chariot and offering his hand. Gratefully I take it as I climb down the ladder in my golden graduation dress and strappy heels.
Inside Apollo’s living room, I spy a jug of nectar on the table and immediately pour myself a glass, guzzling it in one smooth gulp. I had hoped my first taste of the divine liquid would have been in more pleasing circumstances. Barely, I manage to take in the heady mix of aroma and flavour, but the sensation falls flat.
“Whoa, slow down, Nectar is not something to be messed with. Especially, if you are not used to its effects.” Apollo warns.
Roman moves forward and looks me squarely in the eyes. “I think you should listen to Apollo, Siriarna,” he says with anauthoritarian tone.
Like he would ever disagree with his favourite god.