Page 56 of Siriarna
“I guess it’s just the two of us, again.” Hera says crisply. “A warning to the wise—and I hope you are, Siriarna. Go back toEvolirium where you belong. Stay out of the Sky Realm, there is no business here for you.” She disappears, just as quickly as her husband.
Countless tumultuous thoughts of the day’s events are crashing through my mind, like a tidal wave waiting to swallow me whole. I stare to the clouds above and hear their rumble at my thought. My power is growing. I know who I am. I will not be silenced nor discarded.
Catching the reflection of my golden dress in the marble column beside me, the statue of Apollo no less, I decide it will be the perfect outfit to attend a wedding. And a huge smile spreads across my face.
Hermes was concerned when he rescued me from the Void. I let him think he was my true saviour and played the victim well. I almost feel sorry for Siriarna. Hermes will show no mercy when the time comes. My eternally youthful looking future husband. I snuggle closer to his chest as we make our journey to the Sky Realm.
My feet barely touch the smooth marble ground of Mount Olympus before I am whisked away to one of the grand sitting rooms. Nymphs have been called in to help with my wedding preparations and they are fussing around, making sure everything is perfect for the ceremony.
A bath is drawn in the eccentric golden powder room, filled with bay laurel leaf infused water, and scented in lavender. Pots of oils surround the tub and will be massaged into my skin. Elder flower tea is served, and the bathing ritual is about to begin. It is exactly what I need to wash the memory of Evolirium from my mind. My future lies here, in this heavenly realm.
“I see your ritual is about to begin. I wish I could join you in it,” Hermes says mischievously, entering the room.
“My love, if only you could,” I reply seductively, my thoughtsreturning to the present.
Horrified nymphs scatter to throw Hermes out of the room, stating it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony. I simply throw back my head and laugh as Hermes blows me a kiss before the door is closed behind him. I have no belief in silly superstitions. I drop my clothing and step into the luxurious bath, starting the journey to my impending wedding, and subsequent transition into Goddess Alexandraya. I repeat those words in my headGoddess Alexandraya. I love the way that sounds.
The chiton is slipped over my head, and I stand back to admire the dress in the floor length mirror. It is so much taller than the standard sized mirrors in any other realm. Of course, I look amazing. I twirl one way, then the other, gaining a complete view of myself in the reflection.
“You look incredible,” a young nymph says.
It’s true, I do look incredible. The chiton is made of light, pure white silk fabric clinging to my body like a second skin. The gown is sleeveless and fastens over my right shoulder with the material falling in soft folds to my ankles. A simple gold belt cinches my tiny waist. The whole look is sexy and elegant, exactly how I had hoped. Another nymph finishes styling my hair into long cascading ringlets and a deep red stain is applied to my lips. As a final touch, I slip my feet into a pair of stilettos, to elongate my semi god height. I am ready to go. Looking back in the mirror, I wonder how tall I will end up once my transition is completed. I smile at my reflection, knowing I will look even more amazing as Goddess Alexandraya. The thought brings a natural crimson flush to my cheeks.
This is it. I take my place at the entrance of the Council Arena. The space is filled with a private consortium of gods. I willsurprise my guide parents after the wedding, turning up in the Home Realm transition completed. Julienne, particularly, will be proud I fulfilled my destiny—the one she instilled should be mine from the minute I was placed in her arms.
I see Zeus standing beside Hermes at the opposite end of the runway on the purpose built alter, Hera at his side. I recognise some of the other gods from the dinner I attended, but there are many faces I have never seen in person before. That will change once I take up residence in Hermes’ palace.Mypalace! I plan on throwing lots of housewarming parties including those gods who didn’t make Hermes list of attendees today. I can hardly contain my delight.
My only regret is that Davina and Melodie could not be here today. Their compliance and loyalty over the years has been infallible. Replacing these loyal maidens will be a chore, however, I believe I will find worthy allies in time. And my time will soon be infinite. I should have been born a god, but the Fates had other ideas. They, obviously, wanted me to prove myself worthy. And that I have done. I can’t help but wonder what gift of power they will bestow.
My eyes mist over as I scan the offerings of jewellery, gold and other exotic trinkets lining the flower-trimmed walkway. With more excitement than I can bear, I am ready to start my journey toward my soon-to-be husband and the rest of my eternal life.
How fortuitous that Psyche is walking me down the aisle. I knew I was of royal blood.Knew it!When she came forward and told me of my ancient past connection to her family, it was like kismet. Her beauty is insurmountable. I am quite in awe of this goddess, my own distant relation. The irony is not lost on me.
I pause for effect to scan the crowd, producing my best smile as I make eye contact with my immortal guests. The gasp from the crowd only justifies my efforts leading up to this moment were worth it. Feeling on top of the realm, I take my first steps.
That’s when I seeher.
I absolutely cannot for the life of me, believe what I am seeing. Siriarna!
When I set down Lampos and Acteon outside Apollo’s Palace, both he and Roman are waiting and neither look happy to see me, scowls creasing their foreheads.
Roman has changed out of his graduation clothing and is wearing one of Apollo’s robes, which surprisingly fits, a little big, but nowhere near as oversized as I would have expected. In fact, looking from semi god to god, I notice they share the same sandy golden locks and piercing pale blue eyes. “Where have you been? I’ve been sick with worry,” he chastises.
“I’ve been on a mission of self-discovery.” I answer, however, my gaze is set on Apollo.
He nods as I knew he would. After all, he has seen my future. Initially, this bothered me but as I come to terms with all that I am, I find the thought comforting.
“We have a wedding to get to. Apollo is taking me as his guest.” Roman says trying, but failing to hide his euphoria. This dalliance in the Sky Realm really suits him. He looks good here. Comfortable and at ease.