Page 8 of Siriarna
Taking me by surprise, a pair of arms circle my waist from behind and hot breath tickles my neck. Immediately, goose bumps prick my skin. “Sorry I missed you yesterday. Please forgive me.” Roman whispers in my ear.
“It’s fine.”
“How are you feeling about your showcase?”
“I’m a complete wreck.”
Roman plants a kiss on my cheek. “You’ll be fine. Trust yourself and your magic will follow.”
My cheeks turn crimson at his touch. “You’re right, I’m going to nail this.” I respond with a tight smile.
“That’s the spirit.” He easily scoops me up with one arm and swirls me around until I’m dizzy.
“You’re a big child, you know that.”
“I do, and I know you love me for it.”
Steadying my stance, I take my place at the end of the student line whilst I search the innermost depths of my soul to find some bravado.
Once my magic showcase is complete, a flag from each Propensity’s Leader will be raised if they believe I would be a worthy addition to their group. It’s then up to me to choose the Propensity (from the ones who raised their flags), that I am most drawn to. The problem is my sporadic magic. I’m petrified it won’t cooperate and no flags will be raised. The nausea returns to my stomach.
The commencement horn blasts, indicating the tests are to begin. All excited chatter in the arena ceases as the seriousness of this process commences.
Alexandraya strides toward the light pillars.
“Of course,sheis the first student showcasing,” I turn to Roman and roll my eyes, but his eyes are glued to her silhouette.
With a raspy voice, Alexandraya begins a chant and is straight into bending light between the pillars. She is moving themso effortlessly from one to another, changing their colour and shape. Much to my annoyance, it is fascinating to watch. She moves through the next five Propensity’s with the same superior skill. It is no surprise all six Group Leaders raise their flags. I’m sure she’ll choose Time; it is the hardest Propensity to get accepted into and the most prestigious. I’m utterly gobsmacked when she selects Light.
At the conclusion of today’s selections, each Propensity will study together leaving little time to socialise with anyone outside their Prop. I always assumed Roman and I would end up separated after the selections. As it draws closer, I’m left with that bleak reality.
It is Braxton’s turn to showcase. Darkness descends the Zen in a split second. It is quickly brightened following a snap to Light. He finishes all six showcases in record speed, producing a brilliant display in each. It doesn’t surprise me because he is the only other student who spends nearly as much time as I do in the Knowledge Room. His Propensity selection is Time, and a smile lifts the corner of my mouth.
The remaining students complete their showcase, and I can hide no longer. I must perform. I tentatively step toward the centre of the arena and attempt to stop Time for the required five seconds. Chanting the words, the five twisted ribbons of Time appear in my palm. I select the ribbon that relates to Evolirium and gradually twist it as we were taught in class. Nothing happens, time moves pace as normal. Utter fail!
I promptly move on to Earth and the alchemy showcase, trying to forget my ill-fated start. I stand in front of the centrally placed table and select a beaker. Then, I carefully pluck ingredients from the assortment of herbs placed around the table and add them to the beaker. Next, I place my selected mix into a mortar and pestle and grind to a smooth paste. I add elixir, stir, and chant. A smoke-like rope is supposed to appearto manipulate. My potion makes a pathetic puff that barley leaves the bowl—another lacklustre display. My only relief is all other students are so involved with their new Props and peers, no one is interested in watching me. Apart from Roman?gods, bless him. I glance over. He is giving me a thumbs up signal, encouraging me from the sidelines.
I make my way to the edge of the Zen River to showcase Water. It starts well. I manage to get the stream flowing quickly and I am, finally, gaining confidence. I try to raise a wave, but the stream is just too fast. I can’t get the water to rise. I can’t slow it down either. With a panic, I cast too much power resulting in the formation of a mini tidal wave. And, as fast as it appears, it hastily descends, crashing down over the Light Propensity tent with force. Students not directly underneath are now saturated. Alexandraya was not under the tent. She is now dripping wet and seething, her eyes flashing with anger?I have completely ruined her white training uniform, which is now showing signs of see-through. Her hair is hanging limply around her face, water trickling down her skin. She is staring at me with such hostility.As if she didn’t already hate me.
Trying to put the recent disaster out of my mind, I move to Light and then to Darkness. Both are a bust. I did manage to bend the light and darken the Zen but for a mere snap only and neither were impressive.
My last performance is Electricity. I stand between the electrical boards, chant and cast my spells toward them. Nothing. Frustration engulfs me because this is the one Propensity I focussed my practice on. Fuming, I make one last attempt and as I cast my spell, one light bulb on the first board shines. It illuminated before I finished the chant.
How weird.
My showcase has now concluded and it was a disaster. I am not expecting any flags. But oneisraised—Electricity. I did it. Ihave a Propensity. I’m in!
I turn to Roman. He is clearly thrilled and gives me a distant air high five.
Standing alone in the corner of the Time Propensity tent, I am watching Siriarna’s showcase with keen interest. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want her to succeed and select Time Propensity, just as I did. Unfortunately, the abominable showcase will likely land her without Propensity and likely see her leaving the realm completely. This thought pulls at my heart, and I wonder if anyone would notice if I manipulated time to allow her a redo? I know it is a skill that I am not supposed to yet possess but my friends in Sixth Year have been sharing their spells and instruction—for a price of course; one I am more than willing to pay.
Turning my back to avoid being seen, I covertly summon the Time ribbons to my palm. Just as I am about to act, I spy a raised flag from the corner of my eye. Siriarna has been selected.
Well, I’ll be damned.