Page 130 of Imogen
“I actually can’t believe we’ll all be going away together at the same time. We’ve not done that for awhile,” I muse.
“No, I’m pretty sure the last time was when the triplets dared the twins to put tap water in that mean woman’s drink,” Ciara reveals.
Hope splutters out a laugh. “Oh my god, yeah. She didn’t make it to the toilet and they had to close the entire pool area off to clean up shit.”
“So glad we aren’t abroad,” Ben declares, knowing they would have done that to him.
“Are you coming on the cruise? We reserved two places just in case anyone wanted to bring a plus one,” Hope asks, and I don’t miss the twitch of her lips.
“We’re still keeping it on the downlow,” I tell them, unable to keep my embarrassment in check. I’ve never lied to my family and I don’t like doing it now. We’ve all been raised to be comfortable enough to go to our parents. The consequences were ten times worse if we didn’t go to them.
“If I can get the time off, and it’s alright with Faith, then yeah.”
I spin to face him so fast. “What about Dad?” I ask.
“I think we should tell him together when we’re back. I don’t want you to keep this from him anymore. And I don’t want to pretend you aren’t mine.”
“She’s not an object,” Hayden snaps as she takes the free chair by Charlotte.
“No, she’s much more than a possession and you know it. She is mine just as much as I am hers and I’m getting seriously tired of the digs,” Ben growls.
Hayden grins, relaxing back. “Well okay then.”
“You traitor,” Liam hisses.
“Excuse you?” Hayden sweetly replies.
“Don’t talk to the enemy. You know what he did to me,” he hisses.
“Oh, for God’s sake,” I remark, but Ben covers my lips with his hand.
“Let it play out,” he whispers.
“You’ve only got yourself to blame,” Hayden sniffs, picking up her water.
“You’re supposed to be one third of me. And you’re taking his side,” he hisses. “That’s a betrayal I cannot forgive.”
“Did you hear me ask for it?” she asks. “No.”
“Landon, are you going to let her do this after what he did?”
Landon arches a brow as he pulls Paisley down on his lap. “Hayden’s right. You let it happen and it’s a let-down.”
“He put toothpaste in my Oreos,” Liam screeches. “It’s bad enough Beau won’t come and arrest him but to have my siblings take his side…” He shakes his head. “We’re meant to be triplets.”
“And we taught you better than to leave food out in the open,” Hayden snarks.
“They were in a cupboard,” he yells. “You know my love for Oreos and he destroyed them.”
“Yet you still ate them,” Ben responds.
“Do not speak to me,” Liam snaps, holding his hand up. “You might have avoided my attempts at revenge, but mark my words, I will get you back for this heinous act against my Oreos.”
“Oh my god, it was me. I did it. Leave Ben alone,” I warn. In all fairness, I didn’t know they were his. But I don’t regret it since Hope told me Liam was Maddox’s accomplice. “And if you think of doing anything to me, I will make you so sick you won’t touch food again. Let this be a lesson to you for touching my food.”
Before he can utter a word, Landon tugs him down into a chair. “She has you and you know it.”
“You let us down, brother,” Hayden mutters, turning away from him. “You should know better.”