Page 29 of Imogen
“I definitely didn’t take it home,” I respond. “I always double check my bag before leaving and when I get home.”
“Maybe someone put it back in the control room when you were on a bathroom break.”
“Maybe,” I murmur, but I don’t believe it’s that. It seems too easy.
“Or someone stole it from your office. Do you have a record of who has been in there since you last had it?”
“I don’t need one. Aside from you, only Larry, Laura, and Marissa have been in my office. And I was there.”
“And the ex,” he points out.
My breath catches in my throat. Zach wouldn’t. No. He couldn’t.
Yes, Imogen, he would.
“Shit,” I hiss, reaching for a door to lean against.
“Hey, I was just putting that out there.”
I meet his gaze, my chest tightening. “I’m going to lose my job,” I choke out.
He pats my arm like comforting someone is foreign to him. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“We both know how this will end. Larry has poured his sweat and blood into that game and I’ve gone and ruined it.”
“No, you haven’t. Someone else has. We have one more thing to look at before we go jumping to conclusions.”
“We’ve searched every office.”
“But not the database that has a list of who used their key card on your door. You never know, our earlier assumption could still be right.”
“But only Larry can check that,” I point out.
“Not just Larry. Daniel has access too. On my first day, I asked what the locked file was and he said it was door access data and only he would ever need to use it. In the morning, come to the reception and say someone has taken the wrong folder from your desk this morning and ask if there’s any way he can access who it was.”
“You think that will work?”
“Feed his ego and tell him Larry said he was the one to ask. I’ll peek over to see the code, and later on, we’ll go through it.”
“That seems too risky. There’s no need for you to lose your job too if we get caught.”
He waves me off. “I feel like Veronica Mars. I live for this shit.”
“Are you sure?”
He places an arm around my shoulders as the elevator doors open. “Positive. I’ve got your back, Black Widow.”
I smile at the use of my gaming name. “Right back at ya, Master Spok.”
Now all I can do is hope we find the disc before they find out it’s missing.
I’m going to be in deep shit. I wouldn’t be surprised if Larry files a police report and gets me arrested for the missing game. He can legally pursue criminal charges since it’s in our contract to keep data confidential. Although I haven’t personally taken the game, it was still in my possession and I am liable for it.
It’s Friday, and my attempts at keeping the missing disc a secret are coming to an end. There is no way I can use the excuse I’m still looking through it for any possible amendments because now the order has come from Larry himself. They want it back in the secure vault.