Page 98 of Imogen
“I didn’t see any cookies,” Hayden states, staring at him.
“They kind of got eaten, and I completely forgot I didn’t need to come until I got here. Then I smelled food.”
“And you?” I question Hayden. “Not that I mind. Just curious.”
“Oh, I came to let you know Zach won a box of sex toys.”
I choke on the mini pizza I just put in my mouth. “What?”
“Isn’t Zach the guy who screwed you over and stole from work?” Laura asks. “I thought you broke up?”
Hayden grins as she reaches over to take a fry out of Laura’s tray. “Oh, they did. But no one gets away with messing with a Carter.”
George’s eyebrows rise to his hairline. “I thought your last name was Smith?”
“Legally she is. But she’s a Carter at heart,” Hayden replies, not picking up on the fact both of them are completely freaked out.
“Why does she want to know he won a box of sex toys?” Mark asks, just as clueless as the other two.
“Because we entered him into a competition,” Hayden announces. “A few. I can’t believe the fucker actually won.”
I splutter out a laugh. “He’s going to be so freaked out.”
“He’ll be more than that when he realises we hacked his marketing page on Facebook and he’s now paying for sex ads.”
“Please marry me,” George pleads.
“I’m already spoken for, sorry,” she reveals, continuing to search through the food for more.
“I love you!” I tell her, pulling her in for a hug.
“Why are you hugging me?” she grouches.
“Because you are the best,” I tell her as I pull back. “Hopefully he backs off now.”
“He’s still bothering you?” George asks.
“Fucker hit her,” Hayden blurts out without thinking. Her eyes widen when she realises what she said. “Shit!”
“He did fucking what?” Mark roars. “He fucking hit you?”
“Calm down,” I plead, glancing to the door. I don’t want anyone knowing.
“He fucking hit you?”
“Who fucking hit you?” Ben demands.
Hayden glances up from her food but doesn’t turn around. “Oh, look who cares.”
“Zach hit you?” he demands.
“I’m asking the questions,” Mark snaps.
“Maybe we should go,” Laura announces.
“Yeah, um, let me pack up—”
“The food stays,” Hayden orders, and George slowly moves away from the table.