Page 66 of The Neighbor Wager
It is nuts, choosing anything over work, but this is work, too.
I need to stop this, keep Lexi and River as far apart as possible.
“I could use a swim.” I shrug as if I don’t even like working. “I can get to this later.”
“You sure?” Lexi tilts her head to one side. “You look busy.”
“Positive,” I say.
“We’re leaving in twenty minutes,” River says.
“Why don’t Lexi and I meet you there?” I suggest.
Lexi pouts. She was hoping to ride with him, I guess. Getting guys alone in her car is her MO.
But she nods anyway. “Sure, Dee. Let’s pick out outfits.” She blows River a kiss. “Until then.” She leans in to whisper something in his ear.
I don’t hear her, but I know what she’s saying. I know because other guys have relayed the story.
She’s inviting him to a make-out spot.
One where she can have her way with him.
River said he won’t make a move. But he didn’t promise he’d turn her down if she threw herself at him. (And even if he did, is he really strong enough to resist her?) No. I can’t count on his self-control. I need to help him stick to the terms of our agreement. I need to keep him away from Lexi.
Chapter Fourteen
Thankfully, Lexi wants to take her car. That means a detour to Depressed Mode, where we swap my car for hers (and kill almost an hour, round trip), and she agrees to my suggestion to buy snacks. And look for new bikinis at the place on Main Street in Newport.
Sure, I suffer through a dozen wardrobe changes, and I spend a few hundred dollars on a new teal bikini and a black cover-up, but I kill another hour. And, well, I look hot.
Really hot.
The sharp lines of the triangle top and the string bottom suit me.
Lexi showers me with compliments, the way she always does, then she marches back to the car, drives the rest of the way to the beach, and parks in an expensive lot.
I don’t argue, even though there’s a ton of street parking a mere three-quarters of a mile away. Three-quarters of a mile might as well be a million in Orange County. And, well, it’s not like we can’t afford it. I use the time to send Jake acan we talktext.
Lexi is afraid to broach the topic of sex with him, but I’m not. If I tell him she needs to see some action, he can deliver. I’ve seen the man at karaoke. He has the energy to keep up with Lexi anywhere.
Even though it’s a Saturday in June, the beach is still quiet. We’re far enough away from both the mega surf spot, the Wedge, and the Newport Pier. The beach is mostly surfers and people watching surfers, sunning themselves, reading under umbrellas.
The families prefer to stay closer to the pier. It’s mostly adults and teens here.
The Beau family is already set up near a lifeguard stand, with a blanket, an umbrella, four mesh chairs, and a cooler full of snacks and soda.
Fern spots us and waves hello.
River stands, turns, watches Lexi and me approach.
Only, instead of staring at her, he studies me. He even smiles. Not anI want yousmile. Agame onsmile.
In his dreams.