Page 23 of Blood and Fire
“I said, I’m taking care of it.”
Michael threw his hands in the air. “That’s just great. So she’s on the loose, looking for Bruno Ranieri? You do remember that you can’t touch Bruno. You know what would happen to us if you did, right?”
King sighed. “I’m not planning on killing them,” he lied smoothly.
“So it’s true, then? You were the one who did Howard?”
King gestured at Zoe, giving credit where it was due. “She did.”
Zoe preened, displaying her perfect naked self with a queenly nonchalance that made Michael Ranieri tug at his collar.
King caught Zoe’s eye, made a twirling gesture with his fingertip. Zoe gave him a smoky smile, and spun on the balls of her feet. She did a three sixty, and another half-turn, placing her hands against the wall. Arching her back, legs parted. Oh, that naughty, slutty, clever girl.
Michael jerked his hypnotized regard away from Zoe’s ass, and shook himself like a wet dog. “So. About Bruno. You remember—”
“The famous letter, yes. More than a year has passed since Tony Ranieri was killed. They haven’t sent it yet. Why are you so nervous?”
“Because Lily Parr is on the loose!” Michael yelled. “And if Howard spilled the beans to her, and she tells Bruno, then you’re going to want to make a move, right? But if you do, we take it up the ass, Neil! Rosa Ranieri is a jealous bitch who’ll fuck us just for spite!”
“Italian families,” King said softly. “So colorful. Cousinly love.”
“Second cousins,” Michael stressed the distinction. “They’re only second cousins. And they’re poison. I was the one that opened Tony’s package all those years ago, Neil, remember? With the severed fingers?”
King made his voice soothing, reasonable. “Michael, please. Think about it. Will anyone really care about that letter, after all these years?”
“Fuck, yes, they’ll care! Didn’t you hear about Sonny Franzese? He was put away at fucking ninety-three! I do not want my father to go to prison, Neil! He’s eighty years old! And he’s not well!”
It was clear from Michael’s wine-flushed face that he was under the impression that this was all somehow King’s problem. But now was perhaps not exactly the moment to make this clear. Perhaps Zoe could deliver the message some dark night. With a long knife.
And in the meantime, Zoe could also provide some badly needed distraction. “Zoe, my dove,” he said. “Pour Michael a glass of wine.”
Zoe obliged. Michael stared at her breasts, his face going hot and lumpish with lust. “Is she one of your, uh…” He trailed off, took the wine, his limited vocabulary failing him. “Will she, uh—”
“Do anything I ask?” King finished softly. “Yes, Michael. She will.”
Michael gulped wine, staring. His erection was painfully evident.
King sighed, yielding to the inevitable. After all, Zoe was not made of soap. And at least this way, Michael could do the requisite grunting and sweating. King needed only to lean back and do the honors, reciting Zoe’s reward codes. “Would you care to partake?” he offered politely.
Michael’s eyes flashed. “Don’t mind if I do. Is there a room—”
“Right here. I need to be close to her, so I can use her codes.”
“Codes? What the fuck? You mean, do her right in front of you?” Michael shook his head. “That’s sick, Neil. We’re not eighteen anymore.”
“The code gives her orgasms more powerful than anything you’ve ever felt,” King coaxed. “Quite a sensation, for the man on the inside.”
Michael’s face reddened. “It’s just too fucking kinky weird for me.”
For Zoe’s sake, King pulled out the book that held his sex drugs, and selected a performance enhancer from the pages of transdermal dots. He stuck the dot on the inside of his business partner’s wrist.
“Uh?” Michael stared at the green dot, suspicious. “What’s this?”
“A token of my esteem.” King gestured at Zoe. “Feel free.”
Zoe turned, bracing herself against the table and arching her perfect buttocks invitingly. Michael unfastened his pants, whipped out his stiff member. He took the plunge, with a piglike snort of satisfaction.
King sat down across from Zoe, gave her hand an encouraging pat, and recited another of her reward verses. She was squealing with pleasure in less than twenty seconds, shuddering with waves of delight as Michael pumped away heavily behind her, huffing and grunting.