Page 81 of Blood and Fire
want 2 tk them to Kelly’s lab i’ll pay 4 it
Trish:ugot ur ass in trble last time rich boy
Petrie:no one knows if u dont tell do u have them or not
Trish:if u get me fired i’m burning ur new house to the ground
Petrie:TrishI love u I am ur slave 4ever
Trish:get ur tongue out of my ass it tickles
Hmm. So, the results of genetic testing on today’s disaster might well be accelerated. Zoe tucked her phone away, put Petrie’s precisely where he’d left it, and wondered if she should do more.
She studied Petrie himself. Tasty. Thick, unruly chestnut hair, spiking every which way. Strong jaw, virile beard shadow, bold Roman nose. She wondered what color eyes he had. He was long, lean. His naked torso was taut, with whippet-thin, wiry musculature that she liked. It looked streamlined, efficient. Better than beefcake bulk. She ran her leather gloved hand over his cut pecs. Dragged the sheet down over his hip. He slept naked. Mmm, nice. She cupped his balls. Stroked her gloved fingers over the penis draped across his thigh.
It jerked in her hand, and swelled. A shame, to waste an erection like that. Three expert strokes brought him to an admirable state of hardness. And drugged, too, with respiration and blood pressure at their absolute lowest. Imagine what he could do when awake.
Zoe slung her thigh over him, straddling him on the bed. Reached for his gun in her leather gloved hand, and placed the barrel under his chin, scraping it along his stiff beard stubble as she squeezed his cock.
She could be Petrie’s naughty succubus. She saw herself sheathing him in latex, mounting up and closing her eyes and dreaming of King and reward phrases as she rode herself to juicy completion.
But she was team leader. She had to set the example. There was no justifiable reason to fuck Petrie. It would be self-indulgent, and King would disapprove. She dismounted, lay the gun back down in the exact place and position it had been, and tugged the sheet back up, after giving that beautiful, thick, stiff cock a final regretful farewell pat.
No, her work here was done. Petrie’s involvement was peripheral. Nothing to be gained wasting some operative’s time processing useless data. Monitoring his smart phone should be more than sufficient. She left him as she had found him, and drifted down the corridor, uncomfortably distracted by unfulfilled sexual impulses. She should have assigned Nadia to Petrie, and taken on Aaro herself. But it was that greedy whore Nadia, bucking and squealing in some hotel room.
So unfair.
Bruno was grumpy the following morning, speaking only in imperative grunts. Get dressed. Eat this. Drink the coffee. Hurry up. He kept peering out a tiny crack in the cabin’s curtain, gun in hand.
His battle tension relaxed ever so slightly when she heard the murmur of a car engine, the crunch of a car pulling to a stop.
She followed Bruno out into the the icy cold, conifer perfumed half-light of dawn. An tall, brawny guy wearing a long sheepskin coat stood next to a red Jeep Wrangler. A wool cap was pulled low over his forehead. His face was lean, sharp cheekbones, hawk nose, grim mouth. His jaw was covered with glittering gold and silver beard stubble. His pale eyes fastened on hers, bright with curiosity. “Morning,” he said.
She gave him a cautious smile. “Thanks for coming all this way to pick us up,” she offered.
He slanted a glance at Bruno. “No problem. Thanks for the pretty manners. Guess I didn’t drive all night for nothing.”
Bruno grunted. The wind swirled bits of snow around them. The tension made the hairs on Lily’s nape prickle.
“Talked to Kev a couple hours ago,” Sean McCloud said.
“Good for you,” was Bruno’s rejoinder.
“He called from Christchurch,” McCloud went on. “He and Edie were looking for the first flight they could find for Portland or Seattle.”
Bruno cleared his throat. “That’s nice.”
“You think?” Sean’s voice hardened. “He said you didn’t call.”
Bruno shrugged. “You know there’s no cell coverage here.”
“He was scared shitless for you.”
“What’s between me and Kev is private,” Bruno said.
Sean’s eyes flickered. “Whatever. But I think you should get that bug out of your ass before you start walking funny.”