Page 29 of Master of Secrets
So, there it was. The awful truth. This admittedly fabulous specimen was going to come to the same conclusion about me as the other guys had, sooner or later, and probably sooner. The only question was, could I get lucky before that happened?
Anybody’s guess. I did not have any control over what came out of my mouth when I felt this vulnerable. I’d been swept up into the mountain aerie of a mysterious gazillionaire, for fuck’s sake. And he wanted me to relax. Hah.
“You’re a huge tease, Masters,” I told him.
“Call me Ethan. And I’m not teasing. I’m just not going to let you rush this.”
I opened my eyes wide, laughing at him. “Oh really? Aren’t you masterful! No pun intended.”
“Pun completely ignored. Can I make an outrageous suggestion?”
A million wild, erotic possibilities exploded in my mind, making my thighs clench and my toes contract. “Let us hear it,” I said.
He reached out, and stroked me. A touch so light, I could barely feel it, yet it felt like wind rustling grass, all over my body. “Let me lead,” he said.
I blinked at him. “Excuse me?”
“Give me this one,” he said. “Let me make the decisions. You can just—”
“Lay back and let you control me?” My voice was uneven, and I didn’t like that. It showed weakness.
“Let me please you,” he corrected.
“You’re asking me to do something I can’t do,” I said. “Asking me to be someone I’m not. Maybe we should just forget this.”
“Hear me out,” he coaxed. “I’m not asking you to be someone you’re not. I love the way you are. You’re hotter than hell, just like this. My fiery warrior maiden.”
“I’m not your anything, Masters,” I told him. “And don’t you forget it.”
He grinned. “That’s my girl. Please call me Ethan.”
“Dude, you are a slow learner,” I said.
“No, just stubborn,” he said, “I don’t want you to change who you are. Just play a little game with me.”
“I’m not the playful type, in case you haven’t noticed.”
“It’s no big deal. Just try, really try, to give me this one. Let me lead. I swear to God, we can take turns. The next time, you dictate the rules, you run the game. I’ll do anything you want. Knock me around, whip me into shape, break me to the saddle and gallop off into the sunset with me.”
“Well, uh, yeah,” I said. “That sounds more dynamic and fun than me lying around being passive like a shivering virgin.”
“The shivering virgin scenario might have possibilities you haven’t explored yet,” he said.
“I don’t know,” I said simply. “Truth is, I don’t even know if I can. My stress levels are too high. I’m like a feral cat. I can’t just relax and purr. I’m always on my guard. It’s my default mode.”
“Could you just try?” he coaxed. His hands had moved around to my back, and stroked tenderly down over my shoulder blades, down to the small of my back…stopping short at my ass and moving gently back up again.
The guy meant exactly what he said about taking it slow. The suspense was going to kill me.
“I can try,” I said, in a small voice. Try. I could try to walk on air or fly to the moon, too. But all the trying in the world wouldn’t turn the impossible into the possible. “I just let you control…everything?” I repeated, to make sure I got the rules straight.
Ethan laughed. “It’s more like letting me lead in a dance. I’m not proposing anything dangerous. More like a fun, sexy game, and just this time. Next time, I can spend the whole time on my knees, paying homage to your gorgeous pussy with my tongue, if you let me. Or whatever else you mandate. Or all of it. We can try all kinds of things, whatever we want, down the line.”
“There is no down the line,” I told him. “Remember? This is a one-off.”
“Right, right,” he soothed. “Whatever you say.”
“Okay, you sweet talker, you,” I said briskly. “Clue me in. How is this supposed to look? Me, letting you lead, I mean? I can’t even see it in my mind’s eye.”