Page 68 of Master of Secrets
“Oh, so that’s why you’re always the one who takes all the photos at the tournaments? So you won’t appear in any of them yourself? Now I understand.”
I shrugged. “Pretty much. I have to be invisible. Which means, I can’t have Ethan Masters. Not even if we genuinely do have the hots for each other.”
“Oh, babe. That sucks balls. I’m so sorry. And it’s impossible for you to disappear in any case. You are just simply not the invisible type. Too tough, too strong, too good-looking. Too invincible. Sorry, but people notice you, whether you like it or not.”
I waved that observation away. “You have to leave, Jo,” I urged. “You’re in danger here. And I can’t even run away, now that Ethan insists on protecting me. So that big guy outside? Also in danger. All of them are. Anyone I give a shit about is in danger, even Ambrose. And I try so fucking hard not to care about anyone, Jo, so I can keep everyone safe, but I just can’t do it anymore. I…just…can’t.”
Joanna grabbed me. I stiffened and pulled away, but she wouldn’t let me go. And that, of course, made the tears flow again. “Of course you can’t,” she crooned. “It’s not fair, and it can’t go on. You deserve better. How can I help?”
I let out a sharp, bitter bark of laughter. “Walk away from me and forget I exist. That’s the safest thing. Leave me to my fate. Please.”
“No,” Joanna said sharply. “Fuck that option. Bad idea. Forget it.”
“Jo, don’t make this harder,” I pleaded. “You can’t help. You just make me more vulnerable. It’s like an evil spell. Don’t get caught in it.”
“I won’t,” she assured me. “Let’s be systematic about this. Look at it step by step. What’s the first step? Do you need to give the slip to your armed guard out there?”
“That’ll be a tall order,” I said. “He’s Ethan’s man, and he means business.”
“I could, I dunno…try to seduce him, maybe?” Joanna cracked open my Venetian blinds and peered at Shelby, looking him up and down. “Mmm, nice. I’m not wearing makeup and I’m not in power-slut mode today, but he’s kinda cute. I like ’em big and beefy and tattooed like that. Nice thick beard, too. I go for that.”
“I’m sure he’d be gratified by the effort, but I’d bet you that one of Ethan’s guys won’t be too easily bamboozled,” I told her. “I’m guessing that above average intelligence is a prerequisite for employment with that guy.”
“Bummer.” Joanna looked crestfallen. “Well, what else? My car’s still parked in your spot in the back alley. How about I let him watch me go home…then we wait for a while to lull him into a false sense of security. Then I go out my back door, go around the block, sneak around the back, and meet you in the alley. You climb out a side window into the bushes. I hide you in the backseat, and drive you whenever you want.”
“The downtown bus station,” I said.
Joanna looked stricken. “You have to go? Like, go, go? Away? For good? Will you tell me where you’re going?”
“I can’t, Jo,” I whispered. “I don’t dare.”
Then whoosh, I dissolved into tears once again, and she dissolved, too. Between the two of us, we were a hugging, sniffing, sobbing mess. I had an unpleasant feeling I was really in for it with the tears situation. I had so many years of backed-up, suppressed tears and snot to unload. When they all broke loose, well. God help me.
Joanna gave me a bone-cracking final squeeze to signal the end of the embrace, and a smacking kiss on my tear-wet cheek. “I’ll only agree to do it if you solemnly promise to contact me somehow online after, just to let me know you’re safe.”
“That’s my one condition. You have to. Swear it, Kat.”
I sighed. “Fine. I’ll contact you. After a while. But I won’t tell you where I am.”
“We’ll just see about that,” Joanna said, cheering right up. “I’ll give the bushes a shake to signal I’m there. Looks like Beard-and-Tattoos makes the rounds at intervals, so be sure to time it when he’s out front. Just slither out the bedroom window, pop yourself into my backseat, keep your head down, and hoopla! Off we go!”
“It’s risky for you to get more involved,” I said miserably. “You should just stay away from the whole thing.”
“Hell, no. This is exciting. And I love it that I can actually help. Let me help you like you helped me.”
I bit my lip, trying not to start blubbering again.
Joanna sashayed out the front door, ogling Shelby as she left. She’d switched into full-on Mata Hari mode, in spite of not being in power-slut clothes, and was twitching her hips seductively as she walked. Shelby ogled right back as she walked away. Go, Jo.
Once Joanna was gone, I got cracking. My go-bag was always packed and ready. I didn’t add much to it, just a few odds and ends of clothing. I left the rest behind.
The go-bag had my new driver’s license and credit card, and a wad of cash I had saved up. I had a burner phone in there, too. Not because I had anyone to call, but only because not having one was too bleak to contemplate. Not having one meant not only did I have no one on God’s green earth to call, but also that I never would.
But those were not the kind of thoughts to entertain right now. In fact, thinking at all was inadvisable. It was a time for pure action. I peeled some money from my precious stash. Left a note for the landlady, including a month’s rent and an apology.
Then I lingered over the notepad with hot, wet eyes. There were so many things I wanted to say to Ethan, but what was the point, if I was just going to vanish? Why say them at all? Didn’t that just make it worse, to get all sentimental on the poor guy?