Page 14 of Master of Chaos
“But he propositioned you, of course. You’re more beautiful and easier to relate to than Nicole, poor girl, may she rest in peace. Nicole had a savage, feral side that she couldn’t hide for long, and it terrified her sex partners, at least post-coitus. You don’t have that quality. In fact, you can be quite charming when you make an effort.”
“I do not want to talk about this.” My voice was strangled.
“I was surprised that you didn’t accept Andrew’s invitation to get a drink.”
I was struck by a horrifying thought. “Wait,” I said. “Don’t tell me you expected me to sleep with that guy. Did you bring me here to… toservicehim?”
He made an impatient sound. “For God’s sake. If I’d wanted you to service someone, I would have sent you to Hwang Sr.’s bed. An evening out with an attractive, wealthy, eligible young man is not a fate worse than death. Lighten up, girl.”
Lighten up? That dickwad had the colossal nerve to say that while he was sinking me into cement himself. “So I was supposed to go out for drinks with the guy who sees me as a party favor? Interchangeable with Nicole?”
He waved his hand. “I’m sure he was intrigued with you on your own merits, my dear,” he said mildly. “Anyone would be. You’re quite lovely.”
“Make a note of this.” My voice shook. “For future reference. I will never, ever sleep with someone at your direction. Under no circumstances would I do that.”
Halliwell sighed. “I miss Nicole’s practical mindset,” he said, almost wistfully. “She didn’t get so wound up about these things.”
“Wound up about prostituting herself for you, you mean? How about the others? Do they perform that service? Do you run a whole stable of Halliwell whores?”
“Don’t be crass,” he snapped. “I only mean that she was well aware of all her assets and gifts, and fully prepared to use them in my service. That’s rare and precious.”
Sick and twisted, I barely stopped myself from saying. “That’s not me,” I said.
“I see that. Ironic, though, since you have so much more to lose than Nicole ever did. She had no ailing little sister to fret about. And wouldn’t have cared if she had.”
My stomach heaved at his casual tone. I decided an abrupt change of subject was called for. “Speaking of my ailing sister. I’ve been meaning to ask you about Reggie.”
He sighed, already annoyed. “Cassandra. Again? Must you?”
“Do you know how Reggie is responding to the treatment?” I persisted. “When I call the clinic, they say they can only talk to you. They won’t give me any info.”
“Have you not been calling her regularly? Is she not still alive? Talking to you?”
“Yes, of course, but I really need a more in-depth?—”
“Do you, Cassandra? Do you have medical training yourself? No. Do you not have enough to keep your mind occupied? Because I can help with that.”
My mouth worked helplessly as I realized that this man truly did not understand why I was anxious. He had never worried about anyone’s well-being in his entire life.
“Of course, I have plenty to focus on,” I began again, doggedly. “But I’d concentrate better if I knew more about my sister’s response to treatment. Reggie is?—”
“In good hands,” he cut in. “If there is any notable change in her condition, they will inform me, and I will pass the information on to you in due time. In the meantime, keep your mind on your work. That’s the best thing for you and Regina both.”
“But what would it cost you to just let me into the loop? So I won’t have to constantly bother you? I could go directly to the source, and?—”
“The doctors treating Regina are world renowned experts. They don’t have time to hold your hand.”
“I have no intention of wasting anyone’s time,” I said, teeth clenched.
“You’re wasting mine right now. And from what I can see, you’re not finished with Glow-worm yet. Day follows day, and still you say it’s not ready. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re having me on, Cassandra. Dragging your feet deliberately.”
“I’m doing my best,” I said, through my teeth. “It’s extremely complex. You knew it wasn’t complete when I came to work for you. All I can do is keep at it. It’s not done until it’s done.”
“Well, carry on, but pick up the pace. By the way, you looked lovely tonight. Much better without those unsightly blotches marring your skin. You absolutely have to see someone about treating those. They’re unacceptable.”
I suppressed a flare of anger. “Mom had freckles, and she looked just fine.”
“You don’t have to share Laurel’s beauty flaws out of misplaced solidarity. Besides, it wasn’t a suggestion. You really are a slow learner sometimes.”