Page 73 of Master of Chaos
“What?” I demanded.
“I still can’t,” he said.
That sound in his voice just reached deep inside me and squeezed. He could play me like a fiddle. I pushed up, hands against his chest, straddling him, and leaned down to kiss him. A demanding Red Queen kiss. It caught fire right away.
Neither of us was in control, not me, not him. The kiss had its own agenda, its own ruthless demands. He tasted so good, his hard body, his thick, steely cock that I gripped and stroked. I shook with an irresistible clutch of hunger.
I lifted my head for air, my breath rasping heavily. His chest heaved beneath me.
“Jesus, Red,” he muttered.
I had settled myself over him so that my naked pussy was right over his cock, which now lay stiff and hard and hopeful against his belly. It could have been the worst idea in the world, stupid, wrong, even lethal, but my body insisted. I ground against him, sighing and whimpering, sliding my slick, aroused pussy lips up and down the length of his cock. Bathing him, anointing him. Teasing him.
It made me feel wild and powerful. The Red Queen, bestowing her favors on her chosen lover. He shuddered with every slow, undulating stroke, his hands clenched in the sheets. “Red,” he rasped. “For fuck’s sake. Have mercy.”
Mercy. Something that was in my power to give. I rose up, seizing his cock, nudging it between my slick pussy lips. Swirling it around and around my clit. Petting myself with his blunt, smooth cockhead, panting in anticipation.
Shane groaned, his body rigid, arched beneath mine. He was so strong, but right now, I had the power, and I liked it. He grabbed my nightgown, tugging it down until the loose gathered neckline revealed my breasts. Cupping and caressing them.
He seized my hips, holding me steady, and drove upward. I cried out as he filled me, surging, and I threw my head back and gasped for air as we rocked and heaved toward that promise of pleasure that kept swelling, lifting me higher, and higher…
It crested, broke, and I was borne under by wild, thundering bliss.
I came to and found Shane embracing me after, his cock still inside me. Then, he rolled me over, rocking and grinding deep inside me.
“You didn’t come yet?” I asked, shakily.
“Not yet,” he said. “I couldn’t let it end yet. You ready for another go?”
I wanted to laugh but had no breath. This position made me feel pinned, wide open, utterly vulnerable, but it felt good to be vulnerable. I craved it. And I wanted to feel him come inside me. I nodded, jerking my hips up to meet him.
He covered my mouth and tongue-kissed me as he fucked me. We moved frantically, wild and sinuous, bucking and twining together. I was mewling beneath his mouth as wild sensation overtook me again. This time, he followed me over the edge, pumping hard, hiding his face against my shoulder as pleasure exploded through him.
He rolled off, but pulled me very close, keeping my leg flung over his. His cock was still inside, still half hard. I felt his heart thud in time with my own. In sync.
As soon as I had the necessary motor skills, I reached out and switched on the nightlight by the bedside. I rolled back and looked searchingly into his eyes.
“What?” he asked. “What did I do? Are you okay?”
“I’m great,” I said. “I’m just wondering if that massive orgasm knocked open Pandora’s box for you. I’m just checking for, you know. Gaping chasms. Lava pools.”
He gave me a lazy grin. “I think that when you leave Pandora’s box wide open, it’s okay. It’s when you nail it closed that things get weird. I’m okay. I’m great, even.”
“Oh. Well, good.” We smiled at each other.
It was scary, how happy his answer made me. Like this could go somewhere. Like there could be hope for some kind of future.
But I didn’t dare to hope for that, on top of everything else. That was too much.
Love, with this gorgeous, powerful, mysterious, unstoppable, indomitable being that I had found in chains? Really?
That would be pushing my luck to the breaking point.
Once again, I didn’t sleep. Though this time, it was less from adrenaline and more just a giddy feeling of astonishment that wouldn’t let my eyes close.