Page 10 of Saving Scarlet
The door to my office flies open, taking me by surprise. Cali walks right in and flops down on one of the chairs in front of my desk.
“Uh, hi. Come on in. Make yourself at home,” I say with raised brows.
She rolls her eyes, completely unfazed by my sarcasm. “What are your intentions with my sister?”
Jesus. I love Cali. She’s perfect for my best friend. Sweet as can be most of the time. But man, she’s a damn handful. She always says the weirdest shit about the way the mafia handles things. It reminds me of Scarlet and her comment about me feeding her to the fish. Or waterboarding her. Who the fuck does that? Not us.
“Whatever do you mean, Cali?”
With an exasperated sigh, she points at me. “Don’t play dumb with me, Killian Lachlan. I see the way you look at her.”
I peer over my desk at her pants, clearly confusing her.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
“Well, you’re awfully sassy today so I was making sure your Daddy dressed you in your sassy pants.”
The corner of her mouth twitches, but to her credit, she doesn’t smile. I can tell it’s taking great effort on her part. It makes me chuckle.
It warms me inside that Cali is trying to look out for her sister. From what I know about the way they grew up, they only had each other. Since Cali is two years older, she’s always been the caretaker. She won’t have to carry that responsibility any longer. It’s mine now.
“She’s mine,” I say simply.
Cali’s eyes widen slightly. “Like, yours as in…”
“As in, she’s going to be my Little girl. My woman. My princess.”
Silence stretches between us for several moments as she stares at me.
“You like her?” she finally asks.
“I do. I like her a lot. While Declan was…taking care of you from a distance, she caught my attention.”
She snorts. “Let’s be real, he was straight up stalking me, but go on.”
“I wish I would have taken it upon myself to take care of her during that time as well. Maybe none of this would have happened. That’s something I’ll never forgive myself for.”
For the first time since she strode into my office, a whisper of a smile graces her lips as she plays with her wedding ring. “If this hadn’t happened, I probably never would have ended up with Daddy. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not your fault she was kidnapped by that psychopath.”
As much as I appreciate her saying it’s not on me, I still feel like I failed Scarlet somehow. I liked her the first time I saw her on the surveillance cameras at their apartment building, but unlike my boss, I hadn’t gone total stalker mode on her. Maybe I should have.
“You’re going to treat her right?” Cali finally asks.
“Yes. I’m going to spank her ass often. She needs it. But she’ll be treated like a princess, and I’ll protect her with my life.”
That must be enough for Cali because she stands and starts to make her way to the door.
Before she leaves, she turns back toward me. “You have my blessing. But if you hurt my sister, I will cut off all your fingers and toes and feed them to the fishies.”
Jesus. I stare at her in shock as she gives me a stern once over before she skips out of my office. Where in the ever-loving fuck do these girls get this shit from?
* * *
A knockon my office door startles me a few hours later. Thank fuck. I need a break. My vision is going blurry from looking at all these numbers.
“Come in.”