Page 15 of Saving Scarlet
“Cali, we need to go,” Declan calls.
He glances at me, and his eyes widen. “Are you handcuffed to the grab handle?”
“Yes! That jackass you employ is a big, dumb neanderthal. Tell him to uncuff me,” I demand.
Declan studies me for a moment before he smirks. “Killian’s in charge of you. If he felt the need to cuff you, he had good reason. Behave, Scarlet. We’re going to keep you safe. Listen to Killian.”
Ha! Over his dead body.
“I love you, Scar. We’ll talk on the phone. Daddy has secure phones for us to use.”
More tears fall as I’m forced to accept what’s happening. “I love you too.”
She smiles and leans in to give me a quick kiss before Declan and his men lead her to another waiting SUV.
A few minutes later, Killian and Bash slide into the back seats facing me. Both of them fully amused.
I glare at Bash. “You’re officially on my bad side for helping him.”
He chuckles. “That’s all right, lass. I started out on Cali’s bad side too. Now she loves me. Won’t be long before the same happens with you.”
“I can’t believe you fucking cuffed me,” I sneer at Killian.
He raises an eyebrow. “If you act like a naughty Little girl, I’m going to treat you like a naughty Little girl. And watch your mouth before I punish it.”
My eyes widen. I have no idea what he means by punishing my mouth and I don’t think I want to find out.
If looks could kill, I’d be a dead man.
Good thing they can’t. Scarlet hasn’t stopped scowling at me since we left the estate. I’m too engrossed in the messages flying back and forth within our organization to pay her much mind. A quiet timeout is good for her. I’m glad I grabbed a set of cuffs from my office before I went up to her room. I had a feeling once she found out we had to separate her and Cali, she’d put up a fight.
I hate the tears leaking from her eyes. It kills me inside. The last thing I want to do is make my girl hurt any more than she already is. I know she's scared, and that's why she's fighting me so hard. She can't trust me. She doesn't know me, and I snatched her away from the one person who has always been her anchor.
It had to be done. I don't regret it, but I definitely don't want her to be sad. I want my girl to heal and to get better. She's been let down too often by too many people. What she doesn't realize is that we're taking her away to stop her from being hurt again. I shift to her side of the bench seat and reach out to swipe a tear from her cheek.
She pulls her head away and glares at me. “Don't touch me.”
I raise an eyebrow. “I'm taking care of you. Don't be a brat.”
Her shoulders slump. Well, one of her shoulders. The other can’t since she’s connected to the grab bar. I chuckle inwardly at that thought. Poor thing. Maybe next time she won’t fight me. Doubtful, but a guy can dream.
“Where are we going?”
“To a safe location.”
Her eyes flash with irritation. “Where's Cali going?”
“To another safe location.”
She huffs out a breath and rolls her eyes.
“Scarlet, it doesn't matter where we're going. We're going somewhere safe. Somewhere we can keep you and your sister protected. So don't worry about the location. It's going to be comfortable and you're going to be able to hang out and watch movies and do whatever you want around the house. Hey, maybe we can have one of those movie nights you and Cali have.”
She rolls her eyes again. “Yeah, except the ones I have with my sister are actually fun. I can't see you having any fun.”