Page 44 of Saving Scarlet
“If you don’t want Daddy to give you an enema, then I guess you better be a good girl. And I don’t know if it’s normal in most relationships, but it is in this type. Like I told you, there will be no privacy between us. I will take care of you intimately, and you will let me unless it’s a hard limit.”
She scrunches her nose as she thinks about it. “Is it weird that I hate the idea of it but at the same time, I’m intrigued? Like, who would want their Daddy to put something in their butt and fill it with liquid? But also, it seems like it would make the couple closer.”
I scoop her up from the lounger and take the spot so I can settle her on my lap. “Baby, being in a Daddy/Little girl relationship is one of the most intimate things in the world. Even if you don’t play at a young age, I won’t give you privacy or space. I get off on control and being able to control every aspect of your life. I fucking love it. We’ll go over your limits when you’re not so inebriated. I’ll always respect them, but I hope you’ll learn to trust me enough to let me care for you.”
“You’re not like any of my past Daddies.”
“I’m the real deal, baby girl. I’m going to be the Daddy you spend the rest of your life with.”
She lets out a sigh. “We’ll see. You’ll get tired of me and all my insecurities eventually.”
“No. I won’t. It’s okay if you don’t trust me right now. I’ll prove it to you.”
When she doesn’t say anything, I kiss the top of her head. “Come on. I want you to eat something to soak up that wine. You barely ate any dinner. Something we’ll have a chat about tomorrow.”
“Doeschatmean I’m in trouble?”
I chuckle. “It means we’re going to set some rules and boundaries.”
Her shoulders drop. “Oh. I was kind of hoping you’d spank me.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “You want me to spank you?”
She twists her fingers in my shirt. “I want to know what it feels like. I’ve never been spanked before. Not like…not like that.”
“Tell you what. Tomorrow, I’ll put you over my knee and spank your bottom. Not because you’re in trouble. You’re not. It’ll be an introduction spanking, so you know what to expect in the future. Okay?”
A shiver runs through her, and I know it’s not from the cool air.
“Okay, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Let’s go find some food and then I’m going to get you ready for bed.”
When I set her on her feet, she sways, so I scoop her up and carry her through the quiet house. She wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles into me, sighing contentedly.
Before we make it to the kitchen, she starts snoring softly. Changing directions, I carry her back to the bedroom and gently settle her in bed, my heart feeling so full, it might explode.
Within minutes, I’ve stripped out of my suit and pulled off her leggings, and bra, leaving her in an oversized T-shirt and panties. As soon as I crawl into bed, she moves to me, plastering her body to mine. Everything in the world feels absolutely perfect.
Iroll over and let out a groan. Why is it so bright in here? And why is there a hammer hitting my head over and over? Slowly, I pry one eye open to look around, and I remember now why I feel like this. Wine. Five thousand dollars’ worth. You’d think if someone were going to charge five grand for what, like twenty ounces, it wouldn’t give you a hangover the next morning.
“Morning, baby girl.”
Killian walks in holding a tray. He looks mouthwatering. As always. I’ll pass on the breakfast, but I could nibble on him all day. My stomach must disagree because as soon as I get a whiff of bacon and eggs, it lets out a loud growl.
“Hi, Daddy.”
“How’d you sleep?”
I shrug and flop back on the bed. “I think I slept great. It’s the waking up part I’m not liking so much.”
He sits on the edge of the mattress after setting the tray on the nightstand. “I figured you’d be feeling like shit today. Here, take these and drink that whole bottle of water.”
When I snatch the bottle out of his hand, he laughs. “Dry mouth?”