Page 50 of Saving Scarlet
She shakes her head.
“Okay. Open to trying it?”
“I think so. Cali likes it when Declan does it to her.”
I smile. “I’m glad she shares stuff with you. Declan and I are similar in the things we like. I think I enjoy a little more humiliation play than he does, but we’re both pretty dirty.”
Her lips pull back into a mischievous grin. “Somehow I don’t find that hard to believe.”
“Brat,” I say, pinching her hip.
She giggles and sticks her tongue out at me.
“Okay, let’s go over your rules. We’ll add more over time but for now, there are some important ones I need you to start following immediately.”
“Like what?”
“First, no putting yourself down or calling yourself names. Second, if I, Declan, Bash, Grady, Ronan, or Kieran give you a sharp command, you follow it immediately and without question or argument. It could be a dangerous situation and at that moment, you just obey. It’s very important, Scarlet. It’s our job to keep you girls safe, but we can’t do that if you don’t obey us. Are we clear?”
Her fingers twist together nervously but she nods. “Okay.”
“Good. Third, no drinking on an empty stomach. Fourth, always tell me the truth. If something’s bothering you, or you don’t know if you should tell me something, the answer is always yes. You should. There will be absolutely no secrets.”
“Does that go both ways?” she asks quietly.
“Absolutely. I will never keep secrets from you. The only thing I’ll hide are the details of my job that you don’t need to know. I want you to live in oblivious bliss when it comes to the mafia as much as possible. You’re way too pure and sweet to know that kind of shit. But I will never lie to you. So if you aren’t sure you truly want to know the answer to a question, don’t ask. Otherwise, there will be nothing I keep from you. Your name will be on my bank account, credit cards, the title of my house, my cars, everything. What’s mine is yours.”
“Wait,” she grabs my forearm. “Killian, I don’t want you for your money and possessions. I don’t want any of that.”
I let out a growl. “Too bad. All of that comes with me. And if you call me by my name again, you’ll get your first real spanking. That’s a rule. To you, I am Daddy. Always. I don’t give a fuck who we’re around. Everyone in my world knows what I am. Got it?”
She swallows, her chest rising rapidly as she nods. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl.”
Those two words make her melt into me until she’s snuggled against my chest, sighing contentedly. This woman has stolen my fucked-up heart and somehow made it whole again. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and needed in this life.
“Now, last night before you went to sleep, I promised you a spanking today.”
She goes rigid against me, and I smile. My girl was feeling a little bolder last night under the influence. Too bad for her, I always make good on my promises.
His arms tighten around me. I’m not getting out of this spanking. I asked for it. What was I thinking?
I wasn’t. That’s the problem. The wine was doing all the thinking—and talking. I’m not actually in trouble, though, so it’s not like it’s going to be horrible. Besides, even though I’m nervous, my body is reacting totally differently.
My nipples ache, my tummy is fluttering inside, my pussy is clenching. Daddy has huge hands, and I’m so small compared to him. I start panting over the idea of being bent over his lap, completely exposed and at his mercy. Maybe Idohave a humiliation kink. Although it feels completely different with Killian than it ever did with Ivan. Killian does it to heighten the experience, but Ivan did it as abuse.
He rises, keeping me wrapped in his arms, and I lock my legs around his waist while we move through the house. Even though I haven’t seen Bash or Grady all morning, they could appear at any time, so I appreciate that Daddy is taking me to the bedroom for some privacy. I nuzzle my face into his neck, loving the spicy scent of his aftershave. I’m not sure how he always smells so good, but I can never seem to get enough of it.
When we enter the bedroom, he shuts and locks the door before making his way to the bathroom where he sets me on my feet in front of the toilet.
“Go potty, wash your hands, then come out to the bedroom,” he says before he leaves me alone to do my business.
I’m a little surprised he’s giving me privacy and as soon as he disappears, I miss his presence. It’s only been a couple of weeks since he saved me, and I think I’m completely dependent on him now. Not that he seems to mind. In fact, he gets off on it.